Hi there,
as I already wrote we're going to apply again as organization for Google
Summer of Code in 2021.
I just want to remind you to update your project ideas or add some new
ones. Deadline for applications is February 14, at this point your ideas
should be up to date, too!
To do so ple
Rosen Penev kirjoitti 1.2.2021 klo 2.15:
The date -k patch is non standard and will be removed in the next
--- a/package/base-files/files/etc/init.d/system
+++ b/package/base-files/files/etc/init.d/system
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ system_config() {
ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo
On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 19:10, Baptiste Jonglez
I've just pushed this to my (brand new) staging tree:
If there are no objections, I will merge that in a couple of days.
Thanks for t