Original ticket from: https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/14770
Mailing this to mailing list as well from blogic's request.


Using the old method to generate ext4 image caused problems.
After using about 5500 inodes, filesystem started corrupting; file loss, inode 
attribute weirdness.. (lots of missing execution flags)

Also, with old method, setting ext4 options was pretty limited. I created a new 
tool that is based on genext2fs and debugfs from e2fsprogs that can be used to 
populate a filesystem created with mkfs. It also supports filespec, like 
genext2fs, so device nodes can be created. It is a tool requested by similar 
distribution providers including Yocto, where I also submitted it.

This patch adds populatefs to tools and changes ext4 image generation to use 
new populatefs tools. I am currently developing openwrt on raspberry pi, so 
default set of ext4 options is same used by raspbian with great results, but 
these options maybe should be arch specfic.. OpenWrt developer to judge that..

Populatefs requires host to have ext2fs library from e2fsprogs which is not 
installed by default e2fsprogs/host.. This works just fine on my archlinux 
because I have required library outside the openwrt tree; in /usr/lib - so I 
admit that my patch isn't completely foolproof, but I left it for someone else 
to change e2fsprogs to install libs to staging_dir/host/lib ..

Anyway, here it now is and feel free to discuss about it. I posted this for a 
reason on the trac, I am currently developing openwrt for raspberry pi and 
publishing my work (as soon as I am done with it..) at raspberry pi-openwrt 
community (https://code.google.com/p/raspberrypi-openwrt/) and I wanted to 
store my patch in safe place so it could easily be available when needed, 
although, it would be better if people wouldn't need the patch at all since it 
would already be included in the mainstream..

Signed-off-by: Oskari Rauta <oskari.ra...@gmail.com>

Attachment: openwrt-populatefs-fixed.patch
Description: Binary data

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