Hi Zoltan,
see my other post for the explanation why the identification strings got
messed up (discrepancy between upstream & .diff).
I'll give it a try as soon as I see the commit reverted.
Kind regards,
openwrt-devel mailing list
Vasco Steinmetz wrote:
with the latest trunk the board.d detection script for the Lamobo Banana
Pi R1 fails again. This time the value is
cat /proc/device-tree/model
Lamobo R1
Sadliy this is the model name before my previous complaint at end of
November, when the dt reported
"Lamobo Banan
Addendum: u-boot was bumped ten days ago to 2016.01-rc2 for sunxi with
The "Lamobo Banana Pi R1" string was in the file
package/boot/boot-sunxi/patches/002-add-lamobo-r1.diff which got deleted
with the
with the latest trunk the board.d detection script for the Lamobo Banana
Pi R1 fails again. This time the value is
cat /proc/device-tree/model
Lamobo R1
Sadliy this is the model name before my previous complaint at end of
November, when the dt reported
"Lamobo Banana Pi R1"
Apparently u-bl