18.05.2018 17:25, Lev:
No empty commit message please. Explain what you are doing and why you
are doing it. If necessary, explain why you are doing it this way.
Can anything else than NAND flash have bad blocks? If no, are we still
using jffs2 on top of NAND anywhere.
Please sign off your patch with full real name and send again.
On 18.05.2018 17:25, Lev wrote:
package/system/mtd/src/jffs2.c | 10 ++
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
diff --git a/package/system/mtd/src/jffs2.c b/package/system/mtd/src/jffs2.c
index b432f64ac0..5bf3eec328 100644
package/system/mtd/src/jffs2.c | 10 ++
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
diff --git a/package/system/mtd/src/jffs2.c b/package/system/mtd/src/jffs2.c
index b432f64ac0..5bf3eec328 100644
--- a/package/system/mtd/src/jffs2.c
+++ b/package/system/mtd/src/jffs2.c
@@ -308,6 +308,16 @@ int