On 23/01/12 04:34 AM, Russell Senior wrote:
>> "Weedy" == Weedy writes:
- 500mhz or more - 128mb ram+, DDR+ - 32mb flash - 2 gigabit ports
(but I would like 4) - 1 minipci, bonus points for more - cf/sd
card slot - available enclosure that isn't more
> "Weedy" == Weedy writes:
>>> Requirements:
>>> - 500mhz or more - 128mb ram+, DDR+ - 32mb flash - 2 gigabit ports
>>> (but I would like 4) - 1 minipci, bonus points for more - cf/sd
>>> card slot - available enclosure that isn't more then 75% the cost
>>> of the board
Weedy> Thank yo
On 22/01/12 02:04 AM, cptsp...@gmx.de wrote:
> Hi!
> Maybe you want to look at the ALIX boards by PC Engines. They fulfill
> most of your requirements, but they one have 100 Mbit/s LAN.
> Ingwer
> On 2012-01-18 19:24, Weedy wrote:
>> Requirements:
>> - 500mhz or more
>> - 128mb ram+,