I would like to ask for a discussion and/or decision on this one.
Am 13.04.2022 13:42, schrieb Reinhard Max:
Rename the switch ports from 'lan[1..4]' and 'wan' to 'p[0..4]'. This
matches the SoC documentation and the silkscreen for the port LEDs on
the module. There is no LAN/WAN labeling o
Am 13.04.2022 13:42, schrieb Reinhard Max:
Two MAC addresses are apparently located at offsets 0xe000 and 0xe006
the factory partition on these devices. Change the dts to use the first
See also:
is there anythi
The SiFive RISC-V SoCs use two special partition types in the boot process.
As a first step, the ZSBL (zero-stage bootloader) in the CPU looks for a
partition with a GUID of 5B193300-FC78-40CD-8002-E86C45580B47 to load the
first-stage bootloader - which in OpenWrt's case is an SPL image. The FSBL