On 31/01/18 06:20 AM, Paul Oranje wrote:
Why use a hard coded value 4 in "snprintf(devnum, 4, "%d", vldev->id);" ?
Max value for a VLAN id is 4095 = 4 digits, although probably better
would be to accept full length for int and truncate in the next line.
That and this was a quick hack to
Why use a hard coded value 4 in "snprintf(devnum, 4, "%d", vldev->id);" ?
> Op 30 jan. 2018, om 19:16 heeft csho...@thecshore.com het volgende geschreven:
> From: "Daniel F. Dickinson"
> Detected during a side project. Not a brilliant fix, but it
> gets the job done for now. *very* l