please remove my previous post, apparently the computer i used to send
it was infected with some webmail-virus...
On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Daniel Golle wrote:
> i send it using gmail from a public computer while i was traveling. so
> probably firefox (or was it chrome) was waiting for me
Hi all,
Just to let you all know that extroot is not dead, just not as
much of priority for me. I'm still working on it from time to
I wasn't going to, but it's widely used and needs loving.
hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_.
On 3/12/11 12:19 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
I've updated my patch, but I still need to have udhcp wait before br2684ctl
exits before starting...
And for those lacking telepathy, here it is.
Index: package/linux-atm/files/br2684ctl
Dumb question but... when start-stop-daemon returns, has the program it was
passed as an argument actually been started?
I just looked at the sources to br2684ctl and it doesn't go into the background
until *after* the device has been created... But if start-stop-daemon is
backgrounding itsel
Some ISP's will only allow you to use their equipment, and pre-register its MAC
address when provisioning your circuit.
If you can get the public side MAC address from the box, provision this as the
'hwaddr' option in the atm-bridge config and you can spoof their equipment.
Only problem... the