last night I ported Via's rhinefet drivers to linux- They
load, find the cards but are unable to get the MAC under rb532. if
anyone wants to give it a try, source is
> I've just updated my trunk tree to the latest and I'm looking at the
> patches that I'm carrying in my tree wondering what's still relevant and
> what's not. One of the bigger ones is a patch to mount a USB device
> on / in mount_root.
> Is this still needed or has some official support for thi
Hi all,
Here's a patch for msmtp, an advanced but still lightweight sendmail
replacement that forwards email upstream to an SMTP server. This
software is actively developed, unlike ssmtp which is out of date and
only seems to be linked on the Debian repository. I was able to easily
forward email u
On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 17:46 +0100, Harald Schiƶberg wrote:
> here is the script we use to boot an Openwrt from a running Openwrt.
> Make sure to have kexec-tools installed
> kexec -l /mnt/openwrt-avila-zImage --append="rtc-ds1672.probe=0,0x68
> root=$1 rootfstype=ext2 noin
On Sun, 25 Jan 2009, Alexandros C. Couloumbis wrote:
> you may find working patches for this platform here:
Thanks! But it seems these patches do not include the _new_ files, only
modifications to existing files?
Signed-off-by: Alexandros C. Couloumbis
--- uClibc++-0.2.2/include/associative_base.orig2007-06-04
01:51:12.0 +0300
+++ uClibc++-0.2.2/include/associative_base 2008-12-05 05:51:25.0
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
typedef typename std::reverse_iterator
an updated patch for svn 14158:
Signed-off-by: Alexandros C. Couloumbis
--- linux-
08:40:03.0 +0200
+++ linux- 2009-01-25 08:40:50.0 +0200
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
you may find working patches for this platform here:
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