The firewall or some manual route is there certainly (do a route print
on cmd line and check), but OpenVPN is also trying to define that
route... which is why you get the error...
OpenVPN does that if you push that route in server config or push the
default gateway and this turns out to be the sam
[sorry forgot the "reply all"
Hum.. If its not the server config pushing the route and its not in
the ccd, you're left with the client config
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What configs do you have in the ccd dir? > /etc/openvpn/ccd
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What configs do you have in the ccd dir? > /etc/openvpn/ccd
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"Graph Databases" is the definitive new guide to graph databases and
their applications. This 200-page
"Warning: route gateway is ambiguous: (2 matches)"
It seems that you already have that route on the client, maybe you're
client default GW route is ""?
On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 5:09 PM, wrote:
> Hi
> No, IPs are assigned in the 10.8.x.x range as in the log
> M