Hi there
We run openvpn under Windows as a service and have had a couple of
situations where users for one reason or another have decided to disable
openvpn by disabling the TAP interface instead of shutting down the
openvpn service. The problem is that openvpn doesn't appear to look too
hard at t
Has anyone had a chance to look at the impact of the latest OpenSSL
security issues ?
Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400
Sentex Communications, m...@sentex.net
Providing Internet services since 1994 www.sentex
I have been using OpenVPN Service to run my clients vpn connections on Windows
8 and have noticed that it almost never starts automatically even though its
set to.
I have found that to fix this you need to go into services.msc and in OpenVPN
Service you need to go to the Log On tab and change t
I wonder when will these options be added to the OpenVPN client on Android.
Although autoreconnection works most of the time, the device gives up with it
like one out of 20 times (maybe it goes crazy from the switches between
different Wifi Access points and 3G/4G networks).
Forcing conn