Hello James,
> The new GUI is based on the portable WxWidgets library, and carries a
> small footprint, so it shouldn't increase the size of the Windows client
> installer by very much.
Great to hear!
Is there any ETA for 2.1?
We will be releasing a new Windows GUI for 2.1 that properly uses the
management interface, and can be run by a user without administrator
privileges. The GUI has already been developed and is available now
with our Access Server product. We will be open-sourcing this Windows
client GUI as part
> imho keep the current install too (or create 2 different installer) and
> can add the link.
I think it wouldn't be a good idea to propagate openvpn gui for new
installations. It's dead.
Who ever like/need openvpn gui can download it from http://openvpn.se/
Maybe include both GUIs in the
Carsten Krüger wrote:
> Hello,
>> wouldn't be it better to release the current version as 2.1 and all
>> upcoming bugfix can be put into post 2.1?
> +1
> But kick OpenVPN GUI from installer, it is unmaintained old crap (needs
> adminrights, didn't use management interface)
> Please set a l
On 5/5/09, Carsten Krüger wrote:
> Please set a link to OpenVPN Manager
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/openvpnmngr/
Great work!
Did not know it completed the smartcard stuff.
It can be OpenVPNGUI replacement, much better!
> wouldn't be it better to release the current version as 2.1 and all
> upcoming bugfix can be put into post 2.1?
But kick OpenVPN GUI from installer, it is unmaintained old crap (needs
adminrights, didn't use management interface)
Please set a link to OpenVPN Manager
On Mon, 2009-05-04 at 11:54 +0200, Farkas Levente wrote:
> it's about 3 years since openvpn-2.1 is beta and almost everyone useing
> the beta version since there is no final release.
> wouldn't be it better to release the current version as 2.1 and all
> upcoming bugfix can be put into post 2.1?
it's about 3 years since openvpn-2.1 is beta and almost everyone useing
the beta version since there is no final release.
wouldn't be it better to release the current version as 2.1 and all
upcoming bugfix can be put into post 2.1?
Levente "Si vis pacem para