If you search the archives of this list (or possibly openvpn-users), you
will find an earlier mail from Jason Haar which had instructions on how
to configuring OpenVPN to run inside nssm.exe.
Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc
irc freenode net: mattock
> Hmm In
Hmm Interesting idea.
I will grab a copy of NSSM and give it a try.
So does it need to be constantly running on the client machine or is it just a
service installer that you setup the service and its parameters (im guessing
what .ovpn connection to run) and it will install it?
Thanks for the r
> Unless other changes have been made to the windows service, I'd
> recommend not using it at all. There are error conditions under which it
> just hangs and blocks openvpn.exe from working
> We moved to using nssm - we set it to auto-restart on error and now
> openvpn as a Windows service is as