On Wednesday 16 Jun 2010 13:03:39 David Balažic wrote:
> Hi!
> Is there some crash course for using git with openvpn sources?
> I know svn and other tools, but not git.
> So i need steps list like:
> apt-get install git
> svn co http://repo.openvpn.net/patchme # translated into git synt
> Is there some crash course for using git with openvpn sources?
> I know svn and other tools, but not git.
> So i need steps list like:
> apt-get install git
You should apt-get install git-core, well, at leat on some version "git"
package used to be something else.
For instance on d
You could start from here:
Take a look at the links in that chapter. You'd probably have to do
something like this:
apt-get install git-core
git clone
# do your changes
# then git to create and mail a p
Is there some crash course for using git with openvpn sources?
I know svn and other tools, but not git.
So i need steps list like:
apt-get install git
svn co http://repo.openvpn.net/patchme # translated into git syntax
#do your changes
svn diff > my_patch # again , git syntax