-operators] "Master" keystone and "sub"
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On 09/26/2015 11:19 PM, RunnerCheng wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm a newbie of keystone, and I'
'm not sure why you'd want special read-only
nodes. Where are your actual services running? Because it's not just the user
getting the token, but all your services (cinder, glance, etc) need to validate
that token and you'll need to determine which keystone cluster they'l
Hi All,
I'm a newbie of keystone, and I'm doing some research about it recently. I have
a question about how to deploy it. The scenario is on below:
One comany has one headquarter dc and 5 sub dc locate in different cities. We
want to deploy separate OpenStack with "sub" keystone at the sub dc,