On 22 March 2017 at 13:33, Jonathan Mills wrote:
> To what extent is it possible to “lock” a tenant to an availability zone,
> to guarantee that nova scheduler doesn’t land an ITAR VM (and possibly the
> wrong glance/cinder) into a non-ITAR space (and vice versa)…
Yes, definitely a few differ
To what extent is it possible to “lock” a tenant to an availability zone, to
guarantee that nova scheduler doesn’t land an ITAR VM (and possibly the wrong
glance/cinder) into a non-ITAR space (and vice versa)…
For just that concern, Mike Lowe was chatting with me off list about using
Dims, it might be overkill to introduce multi-Keystone + federation (I just
quickly skimmed the PDF so apologies if I have the wrong end of it)?
Jon, you could just have multiple cinder-volume services and backends. We
do this in the Nectar cloud - each site has cinder AZs matching nova AZs.
By de
Thank you, Dims. I will read over this material.
> On Mar 21, 2017, at 9:03 PM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
> Oops, Hit send before i finished
> https://info.massopencloud.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Workshop-Resource-Federation-in-a-Multi-Landlord-Cloud.pdf
> https://git.openstack.org/cgi
Oops, Hit send before i finished
Essentially you can do a single cinder proxy that can work with
multiple cinder backends (one use
The folks from Boston University have done some work around this idea:
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:33 PM, Jonathan Mills wrote:
> Friends,
> I’m reaching out for assistance from anyone who may have confront
I’m reaching out for assistance from anyone who may have confronted the
issue of dealing with ITAR data in an OpenStack cloud being used in some
department of the Federal Gov.
ITAR (https://www.pmddtc.state.gov/regulations_laws/itar.html) is a less
restrictive level of security than clas
Dear Scientific Working Group members,
Following the email related to the forum presentations:
and the work performed by our members during the brainstorming exercise for the
Boston Forum:
OpenStack developers and operators who work on deployments: we need you.
Abstract: I would like to bring Developers and Operators in a room to
discuss about future of Configuration Management in OpenStack.
Until now, we haven't done a good job in c
Hello operators,
The Glance team is conducting another survey about Glance usage. This
one is about image ownership, as controlled by the configuration option
'owner_is_tenant'. We could use answers from both operators who deploy
using the default value as well as operators who use the non-defau
Hi all -
We have a Scientific WG IRC meeting later today at 2100 UTC in channel
#openstack-meeting. Everyone is welcome.
The agenda[1] is a round-up of the goings-on at the operators meetup in Milan
and discussion on input to the Forum at Boston. Scientific WG meeting details
are available
On 03/20/2017 04:24 PM, Blair Bethwaite wrote:
For me an interesting question to know the answer to here would be at what point
you have to stop resource sharing to guarantee your performance promises/SLAs
(disregarding memory over-provisioning). My gut says that unless you are also
doing all th
Hi,everyone! I have been working on this issue for a long time,and I really
can not find a solution to it. I am trying to set up two external network
(two network pools),such that project 1 could only allocate floating ip
from pool 1 and project 2 could only allocate floating ip from pool 2,while
Hi All,
If you can attend the meeting tomorrow, please do.
Feel free to add to the agenda:
OpenStack-operators mailing list
I'm not sure I understand how we'd do this, and I've already started to see
some attempts at this come up and they are going to cause quite a lot of
churn across the code base. I would like to have a clearer description of
what projects must do, like a cross project goal.
I'll catch you on
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