I'm not sure if Python can distribute logs both into file and syslog
based on its level but syslog has an ability to do it. So how about
using syslog as nova-compute logging and changing the output by the syslog?
We are using the solution to change actions by logging levels.
On 2
Looking good Sandy! Seems much more generalized than the original
StackTach. I'll have to give it a shot when I have a spare second or two.
On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 5:50 PM, Sandy Walsh
> First pass at new docs are available here http://www.stacktach.com/
> (API and glossary to follow)
The Log Working Group is a cross project (horizontal) and community group that
is working to rationalize log messages and logging practices across the
OpenStack ecosystem. This has been identified as a big concern within the user
communities. Anyone with an interest in improving logs, logging
First pass at new docs are available here http://www.stacktach.com/
(API and glossary to follow)
Feedback and patches welcome!
OpenStack-operators mailing list
Is it possible to configure nova-compute logging with INFO level in
nova-compute.log and WARN level to syslog?
I couldn't play with options in /etc/nova/logging.conf, because of the
folowing problems:
- folsom: when I use "log_config=/etc/nova/logging.conf", the following
error is raised: