[OpenStack-Infra] Requesting a Service Account

2014-08-28 Thread Brian Ruff
Attached is the public key for the "Oracle Storage CI" Gerrit service account. This is for Oracle Corp., Disk Storage. The contact email alias is: openstck-ci-test_us_...@oracle.com ssh-rsa B3NzaC1yc2EDAQABgQCsFZPUOQ/Oi07xc28UBmUKsXipnLV8mzNZParC3gcGuz20yyrUYrwc1t6FTfJx3Rs0sM7qmFf

[OpenStack-Infra] Fwd: Requesting a Service Account

2014-09-02 Thread Brian Ruff
Forwarded Message Subject:Requesting a Service Account Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 14:30:41 -0600 From: Brian Ruff To: openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org Attached is the public key for the "Oracle Storage CI" Gerrit service account. This is for O

[OpenStack-Infra] Oracle CI Account

2015-04-02 Thread Brian Ruff
I'm trying to associate an CI account with an OpenID. Our CI account was added manually as 13144 oracle-zfssa-ci Oracle ZFSSA CI I was hoping to create an OpenId account and match up with this account, but now I've got another account, when I tried to login to review.openstack.org. Account