I installed Zuul v3 and Nodepool in my environment.
In the old Nodepool, I could get sub node's IP address from
But, this file has been removed.
How can I get each node's IP address when using multiple nodes in my job?
I'd like to use Controller node's IP addre
> I come out with 82285, which is significantly more than the 64k slots
> available.
It looks like that is a particular issue with this mirror not able to
keep up with tumbleweed. As an explanation,
tumbleweed recently switched to gcc8, which triggered a full rebuild.
The way the mirroring works i
On 2018-06-20 17:16:52 +0900 (+0900), Rikimaru Honjo wrote:
> I installed Zuul v3 and Nodepool in my environment.
> In the old Nodepool, I could get sub node's IP address from
> /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes. But, this file has been removed.
> How can I get each node's IP address when using multipl
Hello Jeremy,
Thank you for the information!
On 2018/06/20 21:47, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2018-06-20 17:16:52 +0900 (+0900), Rikimaru Honjo wrote:
I installed Zuul v3 and Nodepool in my environment.
In the old Nodepool, I could get sub node's IP address from
/etc/nodepool/sub_nodes. But, thi
Hi all,
I am from OPNFV community and working on Dovetail project.
I have a question about shade getting server public ipv4 ip and private ipv4 ip
with VLAN environment.
The private ip I got is None and the public ip I got is not the floating ip
assigned to the server.
I guess this is because o