I've added Jean-Emile Dartois to the watcher-specs-core group. They can
manage group membership from there.
As an aside, openstack git repositories come from our cgit servers and
not from github. Github repos are just mirrors.
http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/watcher-specs is the link to th
I would like to be added as well.
> On Nov 2, 2015, at 08:50, Antoine Cabot wrote:
> Hi,
> The specs repo of Watcher project [1] has been set-up before the summit and I
> need to be added as a core contributor to add new contributeurs and +2
> reviews [2]. My email address
The specs repo of Watcher project [1] has been set-up before the summit and
I need to be added as a core contributor to add new contributeurs and +2
reviews [2]. My email address is antoine.ca...@b-com.com.
Thanks a lot,
[1] https://github.com/openstack/watcher-specs