On 2018-12-05 19:02:13 + (+), Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2018-12-05 19:40:16 +0100 (+0100), François Magimel wrote:
> > - what is the licence of summit videos ?
> Allison Price on the OSF staff confirmed for me that all the
> official OpenStack Summit session recordings are suppose
On 2018-12-05 19:40:16 +0100 (+0100), François Magimel wrote:
> My name is François and I would like to suggest a new service for
> the OpenStack Foundation: video hosting. Today, video are hosted
> in Youtube. But as OpenStack promotes free and open source
> softwares, I would like to help install
My name is François and I would like to suggest a new service for the OpenStack
Foundation: video hosting. Today, video are hosted in Youtube. But as OpenStack
promotes free and open source softwares, I would like to help installing an
alternative for the Foundation: Peertube [1], a dece