Hi All/Alej,
I am a M.S student from India.My current research work is on Computer
Networks, Cloud computing.I have been following involving with openstack
since the past one year. I have contributed to open-stack in the past but
its just bits and pieces here and there. I always thought of picking
e help me choose the project and guide me further about contributing
and selection criteria for geting selected in GSOC 2014 and also to
contribute to the project after GSOC.
Best Regards,
--sai krishna.
-- Forwarded message --
From: saikrishna sripada
Date: Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at
Hi Masaru,
I tried creating the project template following your suggestions.Thats
really helpful. Only one suggestion:
Under the project description, We can give the link to actual project idea.
The remaining details like these can be removed here since this can be
- What is the go
ave additional questions per person. Yes, link to project idea is
> >definitely needed.
> >
> >-- dims
> >
> >On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 11:41 AM, saikrishna sripada
> >krishna1256 at gmail.com
> ><http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/opens
Hi Srinivas,
I am done with submitting the required material on Google GSoC site. Please
review the content and let me know if anything more needs to be added.I
have also added the link to the proposal in the additional details
section(proposal page of GSOC site).
--sai krishna.
> 24