Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
2018년 11월 22일 (목) 오후 9:35, Ifat Afek 님이 작성:
> Hi,
> A deleted instance should be removed from Vitrage in one of two ways:
> 1. By reacting to a notification from Nova
> 2. If no notification is received, then after a while the instan
I have some problems with Prometheus alarms in vitrage.
I receive a list of alarms from the Prometheus alarm manager well, but the
alarm does not disappear when the problem(alarm) is resolved. The alarm
that came once in both the alarm list and the entity graph does not
disappear in vitrage. The a
even after deletion.
Is this a bug in rocky version?
Best Regards,
2018년 10월 3일 (수) 오후 5:46, Ifat Afek 님이 작성:
> Hi,
> In the alertmanager.yml file you should have a receiver for Vitrage.
> Please verify that it includes "send_resolved: true". This is required for
> P
; and
'vitrage_log_on_ubuntu.zip' files.
When creating a vm on computer1, a vitrage-collect log occurred, but no log
occurred when it was removed.
2018년 10월 30일 (화) 오전 1:28, Ifat Afek 님이 작성:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 10:34 AM Won wrote:
>> I