Hi Dear Neutron Team,
Due to the OpenStack Summit in Vancouver next week, we will cancel the team
meeting scheduled on May 22nd at 1400UTC. We will resume our meetings on
May 28th at 2100UTC
Best regards
Hi Dear Neutron Team,
Due to the OpenStack Summit in Vancouver next week, we will cancel the
drivers meeting scheduled on May 25th at 1400UTC. We will resume our
meetings on June 1st at 1400UTC
Best regards
Hi Dear Neutron Team,
Due to the OpenStack Summit in Vancouver next week, we will cancel the
drivers meeting scheduled on May 24th at 1500UTC. We will resume our
meetings on May 31st at 1500UTC
Best regards
OpenStack Devel
Hi Dear Neutron Team,
Our team dinner will take place at Al Porto Ristorante, which is located
half a mile from the Summit venue:
321 Water St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1B8
Phone: +1 604-683-8376
Our reservation is at 7pm, under mi name: "Miguel La
There was an project update presentation in Vancouver:
On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 11:31 AM, Sean McGinnis
> Hello DragonFlow team,
> As part of reviewing release activities it was noticed that there was
> never a
Dear OpenStack Networking community of projects,
As part of the implementation of multiple port bindings in the Neutron
reference implementation (
the port_binding relationship in the Por
We will miss you. Thanks for all your hard work for the community
Good luck
On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 7:19 AM, Trinath Somanchi
> Hi Assaf -
> It's a sad moment to miss you here. Hope you will find some more time in
> the future to come back.
> It's very nice to work with you.
Hi Conrad,
You are correct in your reading of the Neutron DNS integration
documentation. Ports 'inherit' their dns_domain from their network. I
encourage you to submit a RFE (Request for Enhacement) here:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron. Once you file it, I'll track it down
and will make sure i
+1 for both of them
On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Armando M. wrote:
> Hi neutrinos,
> I would like to propose Ryan and Nate as the go-to fellows for
> service-related patches.
> Both are core in their repos of focus, namely neutron-dynamic-routing and
> neutron-fwaas, and have a good unde
Dear L3 sub team members,
Due to the holidays period, we will cancel our weekly IRC meeting on
December 29th. We will resume it normally on January 5th.
Happy holidays and a successful 2017 for everybody!
Best regards
Well, I don't vote here but it's nice to see German back in the community.
On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 1:26 PM, Brandon Logan
> +1, yes welcome back German.
> On Fri, 2017-01-20 at 09:41 -0800, Michael Johnson wrote:
> > Hello Octavia Cores,
> >
> > I would like to nominate German Ei
On one occasion I was sharing links in a meeting, and kept typing #url
, until someone was gracious enough to ask me in a private
conversation what was the meaning of #url.
On another occasion, I was substituting for the meeting chair person and
typed #startmeeting wrong-meeting-name. When the cha
Dear L3-subteam,
Due to the PTG next week in Atlanta, we will cancel our weekly meeting on
February 23rd. We will resume normally on March 2nd.
See you in Atlanta!
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage question
On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Korzeniewski, Artur <
artur.korzeniew...@intel.com> wrote:
> +1
> *From:* Kevin Benton [mailto:ke...@benton.pub]
> *Sent:* Friday, February 17, 2017 8:19 PM
> *To:* openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
> *Subject:* [openstack-dev] [neutron] - Neutron team s
I'll be there
On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 9:14 AM, Dariusz Śmigiel
> You're the boss
> 2017-02-19 8:52 GMT-05:00 reedip banerjee :
> > +1
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 4:38 AM, Kevin Benton wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello!
> >>
> >> Is everyone free Thursday at 11:20AM (right before lunch break)
Dear Neutron Community,
As we are all aware, over the past few cycles we have been re-homing from
Neutron to neutron-lib all the common functionality that is shared with the
OpenStack Networking family of projects. In a nutshell, the process is the
1. Shared functionality is identif
Dear Neutron Team,
This week we don't have RFEs in the triaged stage to be discussed during
our weekly drivers meeting. As a consequence, I am canceling the meeting on
June 29th at 1400UTC.
We have new RFEs and RFEs in the confirmed stage. I encourage the team to
look and them, add your opinion a
Dear Neutron Team,
Tomorrow's L3 sub team meeting will be canceled. We will resume next week,
on August 2nd, at 1500 UTC as normal
Best regards
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
members towards this goal and will propose nominations in the
Thank you for your consideration and for taking the time to read this
Miguel Lavalle (mlavalle)
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for
Hi Forrest,
Yes, in my email, I was precisely referring to the work around
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/574477. Now that we are wrapping up Rocky,
I wanted to raise the visibility of this spec. I am glad you noticed. This
week we are going to cut our RC-1 and I don't anticipate that we will wi
Dear Stackers,
I have started an etherpad to collect topic proposals to be discussed
during the PTG in Denver, September 10th - 14th:
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-stein-ptg . Please feel free to
add your proposals under the "Proposed topics to be scheduled" section.
Please also sign in
e until consensus on api is
> reached. Miguel, I think
> this will be added to etherpad for PTG discussions as well ?
> Thanks and Regards !
> Manjeet
> *From:* Miguel Lavalle [mailto:mig...@mlavalle.com]
on project meeting?
> Please advise; then we’ll follow the process to propose the PTG topics.
> Thanks,
> Forrest
> *From:* Miguel Lavalle [mailto:mig...@mlavalle.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, August 3, 2018 11:41 PM
> *To:* OpenStack De
Dear Neutron members,
I should have mentioned it before Please place your name / nick irc
next to the topics you propose in the etherpad, so we can coordinate as the
PTG approaches
Thanks and regards
On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 10:39 AM, Miguel Lavalle wrote:
> Dear Stackers,
Dear Neutron Team,
I was the bugs deputy for the week of July 39th - August 6th (inclusive, so
bcafarel has to start on the 7th). Here's the summary of the bugs that were
fails even though dns-integrat
Dear Neutron team members,
Tomorrow I will be on an airplane during the drivers team meeting time and
one team member is off on vacation. Next week, two of our team members will
be off on vacation. As a consequence, Let's cancel the meetings on August
10th and 17th. We will resume normally on the
Dear L3 sub-team members,
On August 16th I will be on a business trip and other team members will be
off on vacation. As a consequence, we will cancel our weekly meeting that
day. We will resume at the usual time on the August 23rd
Best regards
Hi Gilles,
Ed pinged me earlier today in IRC in regards to this topic. After reading
your message, I assumed that you had patches up for review in Gerrit. I
looked for them, with the intent to list them in the agenda of the next
Neutron team meeting, to draw attention to them. I couldn't find any,
>> I’m not sure but maybe You were looking for those patches:
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/neutron+b
>> ranch:feature/graphql
> Yes that's the one, it's under Tristan Cacqueray name as he helped getting
> st
Dear Neutron team,
In order to help the Neutron Drivers team to perform its very important job
of guiding the community to evolve the OpenStack Networking architecture to
meet the needs of our current and future users [1], I have asked Slawek
Kaplonski to join it. Over the past few years, he has g
Hi Matt,
Isn't multiple port binding what we need in the case of ports? In my mind,
the big motivator for multiple port binding is the ability to change a
port's backend
Best regards
On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 4:32 AM, Gorka Eguileor wrote:
> On 24/08, Jay S Bryant wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 8
Dear Neutron Team,
Our PTG Denver team dinner will take place on Thursday 7pm, at
https://www.famousdaves.com/Denver-Stapleton, 0.5 miles from the
Renaissance Hotel, which translates to an easy 10 minutes walk:
I am holding a reservation under my name for 20 people. Please c
Dear Neutrinos,
In preparation for our PTG in Denver, I have started an etherpad to gather
feedback for our retrospective session. Please add your comments there
Best regards
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not
Here's the etherpad:
On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 3:24 PM, Miguel Lavalle wrote:
> Dear Neutrinos,
> In preparation for our PTG in Denver, I have started an etherpad to gather
> feedback for our retrospective session
Gibi, Bence,
Thanks for putting this demo together. Please count me in
On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 3:55 AM, Balázs Gibizer wrote:
> Hi,
> Based on the Nova PTG planning etherpad [1] there is a need to talk about
> the current state of the bandwidth work [2][3]. Bence (rubasov) has alread
Gibi, Bence,
In fact, I added the demo explicitly to the Neutron PTG agenda from 1:30 to
2, to give it visiblilty
On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 3:55 AM, Balázs Gibizer wrote:
> Hi,
> Based on the Nova PTG planning etherpad [1] there is a need to talk about
> the current state of the bandwid
Well, I don't vote here but I stiil want to express my +1. I knew this was
going to happen sooner rather than later
On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 10:24 PM, Michael Johnson
> Hello Octavia community,
> I would like to propose Carlos Goncalves as a core reviewer on the
> Octavia project.
> Ca
I don't get to vote here either, but I was one of the first users of the
Placement API (Neutron Routed Networks) and I always got great support and
guidance from cdent. So +1 and well deserved
On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 10:45 AM, Eric Fried wrote:
> The openstack/placement project [1] and its core
Nova room is fine. See you'all there
On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 3:29 AM, Balázs Gibizer wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 8:13 PM, melanie witt wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Aug 2018 12:43:06 -0500, Miguel Lavalle wrote:
>>> Gibi, Bence,
I made a last ditch awkward effort to convince you to stay a little longer
unsuccessfully. I understand, though, that now you have other commitments.
I know you will be successful in your new adventures, because you are
really smart and hard working. And please remember that we will take you
Dear Neutron Team,
Due to the PTG in Denver, the Neutron weekly team on Tuesday 11th at 1400
UTC is canceled. We will resume our meeting on Monday September 17th at
2100 UTC
Best regards
OpenStack Development Maili
Dear Neutron Team,
I have scheduled all the topics that were proposed for the PTG in Denver
here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-stein-ptg. Please go to line
128 and onwards to see the detailed schedule. Please reach out to me should
we need to make any changes or adjustments
Best regar
Hi Ildikó,
Wednesday lunch is fine with me
On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 5:30 PM, Ildiko Vancsa
> Hi Training Team,
> As a couple of us will be at the PTG next week it would be great to get
> together one of the days maybe for lunch.
> Wednesday would work the best for Kendall and
Hi Gary,
As I say during our private conversation, we don't like to see you going,
but we understand that you have other career opportunities. I wish you luck
in your next challenge and please remember that you will always be welcome
Best regards
On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 9:49 AM Bria
Since we just came back from the PTG in Denver and we reviewed / discussed
many RFEs, let's skip the Drivers meeting tomorrow, Friday 21st. We will
resume the meeting on the 28th
Best regards
OpenStack Developm
Thanks Takashi
On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 4:57 AM Takashi Yamamoto
> hi,
> it seems we forgot to create rocky branch.
> i'll make a release and the branch sooner or later, unless someone
> beat me to do so.
> __
> Op
Yes, this also matches the recollection of the joint conversation in
Denver. Please look at the "Ironic x-project discussion - Smartnics"
section in
On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 1:31 PM Julia Kreger
Dear networking Stackers,
During the recent PTG in Denver, we discussed measures to prevent patches
merged in the Neutron repo breaking Stadium and related networking projects
in general. We decided to implement the following:
1) For Stadium projects, we want to add non-voting jobs to the Neutron
Dear Neutron community,
As everybody knows, neutron-lib "is an OpenStack library project used by
Neutron, Advanced Services, and third-party projects that aims to provide
common functionality across all such consumers" (
https://docs.openstack.org/neutron-lib/latest/). In general terms, the
, tempest, etc...
> On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 9:43 AM Miguel Lavalle
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear networking Stackers,
> >
> > During the recent PTG in Denver, we discussed measures to prevent
> patches merged in the Neutron repo breaking Stadium and related networking
> pro
Hi Stable Team,
I want to nominate Bernard Cafarrelli as a stable core reviewer for Neutron
and related projects. Bernard has been increasing the number of stable
reviews he is doing for the project [1]. Besides that, he is a stable
maintainer downstream for his employer (Red Hat), so he can bring
on of networking-bagpipe as well).
>> Having this one will help a lot.
>> Thanks,
>> -Thomas
>> On 9/30/18 2:42 AM, Miguel Lavalle wrote:
>> > Dear networking Stackers,
>> >
>> > During the recent PTG in Den
Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 10:41:58AM -0500, Miguel Lavalle wrote:
> > I want to nominate Bernard Cafarrelli as a stable core reviewer for
> Neutron
> > and related projects. Bernard has been increasing the number of stable
> > reviews he is doing for the project [1]. B
Hi Gilles,
The merge of master into feature/graphql has been approved:
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/609455. In the future, you can create your
own merge patch following the instructions here:
The Neutron te
Dear Neutron team,
We don't have triaged RFEs to be discussed during the drivers meeting on
October 19th. So let's skip that meeting and we will resume normally on the
Best regards
OpenStack Development Maili
Dear Neutron Stadium projects,
In a QA session during the recent PTG in Denver, it was suggested that the
Stadium projects should move their Tempest plugins to a repository of their
own or added to the Neutron Tempest plugin repository (
https://github.com/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin). The pu
It is easy to get there by subway from the Summit venue:
https://goo.gl/maps/HjaTEcBbDUR2. I made a reservation for 25 people under
'Neutron' or "Miguel Lavalle". Please confirm your attendance so we can get
a final count.
Here's some reviews:
Dear L3 sub team members,
Due to the Summit in Barcelona, we will cancel out weekly IRC meeting on
October 27th. We will resume it normally on November 3rd
For those of you going to the Summit, have a safe trip!
Best regards
Hi Zhi,
In routed networks, the routing among the segments has to be provided by a
router external to Neutron. It has to be provided by the deployment's
networking infrastructure. In the summit presentation you watched, I used
this Vagrant environment for the demo portion:
1.1) in physical network, isn't it?
> Hope for your reply. :)
> Thanks
> Zhi Chang
> 2016-11-02 22:49 GMT+08:00 Miguel Lavalle :
>> Hi Zhi,
>> In routed networks, the routing among the segments has to be provided by
>> a rou
Dear L3-subteam,
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the USA, we will cancel our weekly
meeting on November 24th. We will resume normally on December 1st
Best regards
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usag
Sad to see this happening. I've learned a lot from you. Good luck
On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Carl Baldwin wrote:
> Neutron (and Openstack),
> It is with regret that I report that my work situation has changed such
> that I'm not able to keep up with my duties as a Neutron
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