Re: [openstack-dev] [all] 3rd Party CI vs. Gerrit

2014-08-13 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 3:05 PM, James E. Blair wrote: > You may have noticed that this has merged, along with a further change > that shows the latest results in a table format. (You may need to > force-reload in your browser to see the change.) > Very cool!! this is really nice UI, super use

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] 3rd Party CI vs. Gerrit

2014-08-13 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 6:27 PM, James E. Blair wrote: > If it is not worth looking at a job that is run by the OpenStack CI > system, please propose a patch to openstack-infra/config to delete it > from the Zuul config. We only want to run what's useful, and we have > other methods (the silent

[openstack-dev] [specs] script to help with spec reviews to convert them in html or pdf

2014-08-15 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hello, If like me you find it difficult to read a large text file like the rst specs inside gerrit diff interface viewer, I have created a script that gets rst files in a review to generate them in a html or pdf files and open it with your desktop default viewer (linux/mac) . Script is available

Re: [openstack-dev] [specs] script to help with spec reviews to convert them in html or pdf

2014-08-16 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 7:34 PM, Jeremy Stanley wrote: > Not to detract from your suggestion, but if the specs project in > question has a docs job then the link zuul leaves for it in each > check report takes you to a draft rendering of the specs with the > change applied rather than a log of th

Re: [openstack-dev] Review change to nova api pretty please?

2014-08-30 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 11:28 AM, Alex Leonhardt wrote: > Is there a list of things "not to send to this list" somewhere accessible > (link?) that I could review, to not send another (different) request by > mistake and possibly upset or annoy people on here ? There is this document : https://

Re: [openstack-dev] memory usage in devstack-gate (the oom-killer strikes again)

2014-09-09 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 12:24 AM, Joe Gordon wrote: > 1) Should we explicitly set the number of workers that services use in > devstack? Why have so many workers in a small all-in-one environment? What > is the right balance here? This is what we do for Swift, without setting this up it would

Re: [openstack-dev] adding RSS feeds to specs repositories

2014-09-10 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Doug Hellmann writes: > I have completed a series of patches [1] for (I think) all of the > specs repositories to add RSS feeds so that when specs are approved > and merged they are easily publicized. Col, thanks for setting this up. [...] > I originally thought we would want to add these

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] OpenStack bootstrapping hour - Friday Sept 19th - 3pm EST

2014-09-15 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Sean Dague writes: > Episode 0 - Mock best practices will kick off this Friday, Sept 19th, > from 3pm - 4pm EST. Our experts for this will be Jay Pipes and Dan ah too bad this is when the week-end start in Europe (and usually mean family time for me) but no complaining I guess there is no hours

Re: [openstack-dev] Please do *NOT* use "vendorized" versions of anything (here: glanceclient using requests.packages.urllib3)

2014-09-18 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Ian Cordasco writes: > urllib3 do that automatically. I haven’t started to investigate exactly > why they do this. Likewise, glance client has custom certificate > verification in glanceclient.common.https. Why? I’m not exactly certain this probably come from pre-requests port uses when it was u

Re: [openstack-dev] Please do *NOT* use "vendorized" versions of anything (here: glanceclient using requests.packages.urllib3)

2014-09-18 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Donald Stufft wrote: > Distributions are not the only place that people get their software from, > unless you think that the ~3 million downloads requests has received > on PyPI in the last 30 days are distributions downloading requests to > package in their OSs.

Re: [openstack-dev] [Keystone][Oslo] Future of Key Distribution Server, Trusted Messaging

2013-11-26 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:25 AM, Adam Young wrote: > Back in the Day, Barbican was just one Service of Cloud Keep. While I > would say that KDS belongs in the Cloud Keep, it is not the same as, and > should not be deployed with Barbican. Is it possible to keep them as > separate services? I th

Re: [openstack-dev] Gate broken right now

2013-11-26 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 9:52 AM, Flavio Percoco wrote: > This seems to be the issue you're talking about, is it? > > > python26/c1aedf1/console.html > Thanks for the heads up indeed, I was wondering if there was somebody on shift/awake from i

Re: [openstack-dev] VMware Workstation / Fusion / Player Nova driver

2013-12-01 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Alessandro Pilotti <> wrote: > We’ll follow up with a blog post with some additional news related to this > project quite soon. > really cool, I'd love to use that for my apple laptop. It would be nice if it goes on stackforge which

[openstack-dev] [Keystone] Store quotas in Keystone

2013-12-02 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hello, I was wondering what was the status of Keystone being the central place across all OpenStack projects for quotas. There is already an implementation from Dmitry here : but hasn't seen activities since october waiting for icehouse development to be

[openstack-dev] [Swift] python-swiftclient, verifying SSL certs by default

2013-12-04 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hello, There has been a lengthy discussion going on for quite sometime on a review for swiftclient here : The review change the way works swiftclient to refuse to connect to insecure (i.e: self signed) SSL swift proxies unless you are specifying the --inse

Re: [openstack-dev] [Keystoneclient] [Keystone] [Solum] Last released version of keystoneclient does not work with python33

2013-12-09 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 4:30 PM, Dolph Mathews wrote: > > ++ and the other errors I was hitting all have open patches in gerrit to > see them fixed. It didn't seem like we were far off, but I haven't tested > all these patches together yet to find out if they're just hiding even more > problems. Ei

Re: [openstack-dev] [Keystoneclient] [Keystone] [Solum] Last released version of keystoneclient does not work with python33

2013-12-10 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On 10 Dec 2013, at 09:20, Morgan Fainberg wrote: > I think the correct way to sync is to run the script and submit a > review (I don’t think it’s changed recently). Seems pretty straightforward then, thanks. let see how the review goes here then :

Re: [openstack-dev] Catalog type naming guidelines

2013-12-10 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Sergey Lukjanov wrote: > we have a concern about the correct catalog type naming for projects who'd > like to have a name like "data processing". just out of interests why is it a problem and need to be standardized, isn't that supposed to be a free form field?

[openstack-dev] Fwd: [qa][tempest] Bug Triage Day - Thu 12th - Prep

2013-12-10 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
would be nice to participate for the ppl interested with tempest Chmouel. -- Forwarded message -- From: Adalberto Medeiros Date: Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 3:52 PM Subject: [openstack-dev] [qa][tempest] Bug Triage Day - Thu 12th - Prep To: OpenStack Development Mailing List Hi all!

Re: [openstack-dev] OK to Use Flufl.enum

2013-12-10 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Jay Pipes wrote: > The IntEnum is my new definition of the most worthless class ever invented > in the Python ecosystem -- taking the place of zope.interface on my > personal wall of worthlessness. this is the kind of things you can do with the new Enums : htt

Re: [openstack-dev] [heat] Core criteria, review stats vs reality

2013-12-10 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote: > That's why I thought > creating VIP parties for +2 reviewers (or giving them special badges or > T-shirts) is spreading the wrong message, and encourage people to hang > on to the extra rights associated with the duty. > +1 million Chmou

[openstack-dev] [testr] debugging failing testr runs

2013-12-17 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hello, I was wondering what was the strategy to debug a failed run with tox? I was trying to see which tests was failing with python-keystoneclient and py33 and this is the type of error i am getting : (bet it with tox directly or from the v

Re: [openstack-dev] [Tempest][qa] Adding tags to commit messages

2013-12-24 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Masayuki Igawa wrote: > And, how about do we the tagging about the services in the subject(1st > line)? I think it would be nice to keep the subject simple, the linux kernel have been doing this for a while which just the subsystem in the subject at first, i.e:

[openstack-dev] Gate is broken right now

2013-12-24 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hello, We currently have an issue with the grenade job due of an new release of boto. Sean was kind of enough (on his vacaion) to fix/workaround it here: but we need to wait until some +2ers awake for the devstack-gate repos. Chmouel.

Re: [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Dev] IDE extensions in .gitignore

2013-12-31 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
I am not sure if this is the global .gitignore you are thinking of but this > is the one I am in favor of: > > > > > Maintaining .gitignore in 30+ repositories for a potentially infinite > number of editors is very hard, and thankfull

Re: [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Dynamic Meters in Ceilometer

2014-01-06 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Kodam, Vijayakumar (EXT-Tata Consultancy Ser - FI/Espoo) wrote: > In this case, simply changing the meter properties in a configuration file > should be enough. There should be an inotify signal which shall notify > ceilometer of the changes in the config file. Th

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] libvirt unit test errors

2014-01-07 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Gary Kotton wrote: > 2014-01-07 > 11:59:47.428| > Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): markupsafe in > ./.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Organizing a Gate Blocking Bug Fix Day

2014-01-09 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 1:46 PM, Sean Dague wrote: > Specifically I'd like to get commitments from as many PTLs as possible > that they'll both directly participate in the day, as well as encourage the > rest of their project to do the same > I'll be more than happy to participate (or at least on

Re: [openstack-dev] [oslo.config] Centralized config management

2014-01-09 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Nachi Ueno wrote: > One example of such case is neuron + nova vif parameter configuration > regarding to security group. > The workflow is something like this. > > nova asks vif configuration information for neutron server. > Neutron server ask configuration in neu

Re: [openstack-dev] a "common" client library

2014-01-16 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Chris Jones wrote: > Once a common library is in place, is there any intention to (or > resistance against) collapsing the clients into a single project or even a > single command (a la busybox)? that's what openstackclient is here for

Re: [openstack-dev] a "common" client library

2014-01-16 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Jesse Noller wrote: > Can you detail out noauth for me; and I would say the defacto httplib in > python today is python-requests - urllib3 is also good but I would say from > a *consumer* standpoint requests offers more in terms of usability / > extensibility > FY

Re: [openstack-dev] a "common" client library

2014-01-16 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 5:23 PM, Jay Pipes wrote: > Right, but requests supports chunked-transfer encoding properly, so > really there's no reason those clients could not move to a > requests-based codebase. > We had that discussion for swiftclient and we are not against it but unfortunately the

Re: [openstack-dev] a "common" client library

2014-01-16 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 8:40 PM, Donald Stufft wrote: > > On Jan 16, 2014, at 2:36 PM, Joe Gordon wrote: > > 2) major overhaul of client libraries so they are all based off a common > base library. This would cover namespace changes, and possible a push to > move CLI into python-openstackclient

Re: [openstack-dev] [requirements][oslo] Upgrade six to 1.5.2?

2014-01-22 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Julien Danjou wrote: > On Tue, Jan 21 2014, ZhiQiang Fan wrote: > > > six 1.5.2 has been released on 2014-01-06, it provides urllib/urlparse > > compatibility. Is there any plan to upgrade six to 1.5.2? (since it is > > fresh new, may need some time to test) > >

Re: [openstack-dev] Hacking repair scripts

2014-01-28 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 2:13 AM, Joshua Harlow wrote: > Thought people might find it useful and it could become a part of > automatic repairing/style adjustments in the future (similar to I guess > what go has in `gofmt`). nice, it would be cool if this can be hooked directly in th editors (ie:

Re: [openstack-dev] Hierarchicical Multitenancy Discussion

2014-01-28 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 7:35 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote: > The key use case here is to delegate administration rights for a group of > tenants to a specific user/role. There is something in Keystone called a > "domain" which supports part of this functionality, but without support > from all of

Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] How to model resources in Heat

2014-01-29 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Zane Bitter writes: > As I said, figuring this all out is really hard to do, and the > existing resources in Heat are by no means perfect (we even had a > session at the Design Summit devoted to fixing some of them[1]). If > anyone has a question about a specific model, feel free to ping me or >

Re: [openstack-dev] Python 3 compatibility

2014-02-03 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 5:29 PM, Julien Danjou wrote: > Last, but not least, trollius has been created by Victor Stinner, who > actually did that work with porting OpenStack in mind and as the first > objective. > AFAIK: victor had plans to send a mail about it to the list later this week. Chmo

Re: [openstack-dev] pep8 gating fails due to tools/config/

2014-02-05 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote: > Including the config file in either the developer documentation or the > packaging build makes more sense. I'm still worried that adding it to the > sdist generation means you would have to have a lot of tools installed just > to make the sdis

Re: [openstack-dev] [openstack-announce] python-heatclient 0.2.7 released

2014-02-19 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 1:50 AM, Steve Baker wrote: > Changes in this release: > It is probably worth mentioning[1] that python-heatclient is now using the requests library instead of its homegrown httpclient library which should make thin

Re: [openstack-dev] [oslo][all] config sample tools on os x

2014-02-19 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 12:17 AM, Sergey Lukjanov wrote: > tools/config/ isn't working on OS X due to the getopt > usage. Any recipes / proposals to fix it? I have a workaround at least. > thanks for the workaround, I had a look on this while reporting bug https://bugs.launchp

Re: [openstack-dev] [oslo][all] config sample tools on os x

2014-02-20 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Julien Danjou wrote: > I'm pretty sure it'd be OK to use getopt in a portable way rather than > specifically the GNU version, but I had no idea if it was acceptable. If > everybody think it is, I can give it a try. > In which sort of system setup other than maco

[openstack-dev] [devstack] external plugin support for Devstack

2014-11-24 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hello, Thanks to the work of Dean and others we have a pretty solid plugins/extras support in Devstack. People can add new features in devstack within just a single file and that add a whole new feature or driver to devstack. It seems that there is quite a bit of people who wants to have those ex

Re: [openstack-dev] [devstack] external plugin support for Devstack

2014-11-24 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Sean Dague wrote: > We should also make this something which is gate friendly. I think the > idea had been that if projects included a /devstack/ directory in them, > when assembling devstack gate, that would be automatically dropped into > devstack's extra.d dire

Re: [openstack-dev] Alembic 0.7.0 - hitting Pypi potentially Sunday night

2014-11-24 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hello, On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 10:10 PM, Mike Bayer wrote: > 1. read about the new features, particularly the branch support, and > please let me know of any red flags/concerns you might have over the coming > implementation, at >

Re: [openstack-dev] [hacking] proposed rules drop for 1.0

2014-12-09 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Sean Dague wrote: > 1 - the entire H8* group. This doesn't function on python code, it > functions on git commit message, which makes it tough to run locally. > I do run them locally using git-review custom script features which would launch a flake8 before sendi

Re: [openstack-dev] [openstack-announce] [keystonemiddleware] keystonemiddlware release 1.3.0

2014-12-19 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Morgan Fainberg wrote: > > * http_connect_timeout option is now an integer instead of a boolean. > * The service user for auth_token middlware can now be in a domain other > than the default domain. > fyi it has a fix in there as well so you can now use it in you

Re: [openstack-dev] [SWIFT] swift and authorization policy

2014-04-25 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
I haven't done a full review but I like what you did and this should be the proper way to handle ACL for keystoneauth. I am not sure tho that forking oslo.common.policy is any better than copy/pasting it with its dependences. I would suggest we move `swift-keystoneauth` to its own project part of

Re: [openstack-dev] Gerrit downtime and upgrade on 2014-04-28

2014-04-27 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Zaro wrote: > Gerrit 2.8 allows setting label values on patch sets either thru the > command line[1] or REST API[2]. Since we will setup WIP as a -1 score > on a label this will just be a matter of updating git-review to set > the label on new patchsets. I'm no

Re: [openstack-dev] Gerrit downtime and upgrade on 2014-04-28

2014-04-28 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 12:40 AM, James E. Blair wrote: > There are a few changes that will impact developers. We will have more > detailed documentation about this soon, but here are the main things you > should know about: > What plugins are going to be enabled under gerrit? I am asking that

Re: [openstack-dev] SSL in Common client

2014-05-05 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Rob Crittenden writes: > From what I found nothing has changed either upstream or in swift. If you are asking about the ability to disable SSL compression it is up to the OS to provide that so nothing was added when we changed swiftclient to requests. Most modern OSes have SSL compression by de

Re: [openstack-dev] SSL in Common client

2014-05-05 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Chmouel Boudjnah writes: > Most modern OSes have SSL compression by default, only Debian stable was > still enabling it. I mean "have SSL compression *disabled* by default". Chmouel. ___ OpenStack-dev mailing list OpenStack-dev@lis

[openstack-dev] [swift] swiftclient functional tests gate for python-swiftclient

2014-05-07 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
tests/unit/ R tests/unit/ R tests/unit/ R tests/unit/ M tox.ini 13 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) Approvals: Alistair Coles: Looks good to me (core reviewer); Approved Chmouel Boudjnah: Looks good to me (core reviewer) Jenkins

Re: [openstack-dev] Spec repo names

2014-05-26 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah (James E. Blair) writes: > about this, the more I think that the right answer is that we should > stick with codenames for the spec repos. The codenames are actually I hereby +1 this, except old timers that i don't think many people knows the OpenStack components by their p

Re: [openstack-dev] [Swift] storage policies merge plan

2014-05-27 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Hua ZZ Zhang wrote: > Do it make sense to support storage policy work in devstack so that it can > be more easily tested? > > -Edward Zhang > > I don't think storage policy on one VM (which has other OpenStack services) like usually setup for devstack is very p

Re: [openstack-dev] Selecting more carefully our dependencies

2014-05-30 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Thomas Goirand wrote: > So I'm wondering: are we being careful enough when selecting > dependencies? In this case, I think we haven't, and I would recommend > against using wrapt. Not only because it embeds, but because > upstream looks uncooperative, and

Re: [openstack-dev] masking X-Auth-Token in debug output - proposed consistency

2014-06-12 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 9:47 PM, Sean Dague wrote: > Actually swiftclient is one of the biggest offenders in the gate - > > > I'd be happy to fix that but that would make

Re: [openstack-dev] masking X-Auth-Token in debug output - proposed consistency

2014-06-12 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote: > > On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 9:47 PM, Sean Dague wrote: > >> Actually swiftclient is one of the biggest offenders in the gate - >> >>

Re: [openstack-dev] masking X-Auth-Token in debug output - proposed consistency

2014-06-12 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Sean Dague wrote: > The only thing it makes harder is you have to generate your own token to > run the curl command. The rest is there. > Well I would have imagine that the curl command debug are here so people can easily copy and paste them and/or tweak them, bu

Re: [openstack-dev] masking X-Auth-Token in debug output - proposed consistency

2014-06-13 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 4:47 AM, Xuhan Peng wrote: > Since I'm working the neutron client code change, by looking at your code > change to nova client, looks like only X-Auth-Token is taken care of in > http_log_req. There is also password in header and token id in response. > Any particular reas

Re: [openstack-dev] Fwd: Fwd: Debian people don't like bash8 as a project name (Bug#748383: ITP: bash8 -- bash script style guide checker)

2014-06-16 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Sean Dague writes: > bashate ftw. +1 to bashate Chmouel ___ OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron][FYI] Bookmarklet for neutron gerrit review

2014-03-07 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
if peoples like this why don't we have it directly on the reviews? Chmouel. On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 10:00 PM, Carl Baldwin wrote: > Nachi, > > Great! I'd been meaning to do something like this. I took yours and > tweaked it a bit to highlight failed Jenkins builds in red and grey > other Jenk

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] FFE Request: Ephemeral RBD image support

2014-03-07 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 12:30 AM, Matt Riedemann wrote: > What would be awesome in Juno is some CI around RBD/Ceph. I'd feel a lot > more comfortable with this code if we had CI running Tempest Seb has been working to add ceph support into devstack which could be a start, https://review.opensta

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova client] gate-python-novaclient-pypy

2014-03-10 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
FYI: this is all over for all clients that gates with pypy : On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Gary Kotton wrote: > Hi, > The client gate seems to be broken with the following error: > > 2014-03-10 08:

Re: [openstack-dev] Replication multi cloud

2014-03-13 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
You may be interested by this project as well : you would need to replicate your keystone in both way via mysql replication or something like this (and have endpoint url changed as well obviously there). Chmouel On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 5:25 PM, Marco Fa

[openstack-dev] Moving swift3 to stackforge (was: Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Intermittent failures cloning noVNC from

2014-03-14 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Sean Dague wrote: > In Juno I'd really be pro removing all the devstack references to git > repos not on, because these kinds of failures have > real impact. > > Currently we have 4 repositories that fit this bill: > > SWIFT3_REPO=${SWIFT3_REPO:-

Re: [openstack-dev] Replication multi cloud

2014-03-14 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 6:39 PM, Marco Fargetta wrote: > Hi Chmouel, > > using this approach should I need to have the same users in both keystone? > yes. > > Is there any way to map user A from cloud X to user B in cloud Y? > not without some changes to swsync (or other software), container sy

Re: [openstack-dev] Moving swift3 to stackforge (was: Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Intermittent failures cloning noVNC from

2014-03-15 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 4:28 AM, Pete Zaitcev wrote: > I think we should've not kicked it out. Maybe just re-fold it > back into Swift? > we probably would need to have a vote/chat of some sort first. Chmouel ___ OpenStack-dev mailing list OpenStack-d

Re: [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][QA][Tempest][Infra] Ceilometer tempest testing in gate

2014-03-18 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Sean Dague wrote: > We've not required UCA for any other project to pass the gate. Is it that bad to have UCA in default devstack, as far as I know UCA is the official way to do OpenStack on ubuntu, right? Chmouel. _

Re: [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][QA][Tempest][Infra] Ceilometer tempest testing in gate

2014-03-18 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 5:21 PM, Sean Dague wrote: > So I'm still -1 at the point in making UCA our default run environment > until it's provably functional for a period of time. Because working > around upstream distro breaks is no fun. > I agree, if UCA is not very stable ATM, this os going t

Re: [openstack-dev] [marconi] sample config files should be ignored in git...

2014-03-28 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Kurt Griffiths <> wrote: > P.S. - Any particular reason this script wasn't written in Python? Seems > like that would avoid a lot of cross-platform gotchyas. > I think it just need to have someone stepping up doing it. Chmouel __

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][qa][all] Home of rendered specs

2014-03-28 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Thierry Carrez wrote: >> specs instead of docs because >> > should only contain what is actually >> > implemented so keeping specs in another subdomain is an attempt to avoid >> > confusion as we don't expect every approved blueprint to get implemented

Re: [openstack-dev] [MagnetoDB] Best practices for uploading large amounts of data

2014-03-28 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Maksym Iarmak wrote: > I suggest taking a look, how Swift and Ceph do such things. under swift (and CEPH via the radosgw which implement swift API) we are using POST and PUT which has been working relatively well Chmouel ___ OpenStack-dev mailing list O

[openstack-dev] [Aws as a seervice] Jumpgate review

2014-03-30 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
A good article mentioned here: for me, it's a gateway instead of I think our better approach of drivers inside openstack. I would imagine it's not a static one and would pass down everything it doesn't know about. If

[openstack-dev] [Devstack] add support for ceph

2014-04-04 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hello, We had quite a lengthy discussion on this review : about a patch that seb has sent to add ceph support to devstack. The main issues seems to resolve around the fact that in devstack we support only packages that are in the distros and not having to

Re: [openstack-dev] [tripleo] /bin/bash vs. /bin/sh

2014-04-15 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
FWIW: we are using bash in devstack if we were going to try to make it POSIX bourne shell (or whatever /bin/sh is) it would have been a huge pain. On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Dougal Matthews wrote: > Another +1 for using bash. Sounds like an easy win. > > > On 15/04/14 12:31, Ghe Rivero wr

Re: [openstack-dev] Reviewing spelling and grammar errors in blueprints Re: [Nova] nova-specs

2014-04-17 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Stefano Maffulli wrote: > Please don't -1 if it's a minor grammar/spelling mistake that doesn't > prevent proper understanding of the blueprint by a person skilled in the > art. > or it may be acceptable that the reviewer can always do the minor spelling correcti

Re: [openstack-dev] [Devstack] add support for ceph

2014-04-18 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 6:32 AM, Sean Dague wrote: > That being said, there are 2 devstack sessions available at design > summit. So proposing something around addressing the ceph situation > might be a good one. It's a big and interesting problem. > I have add a session that just do that here

Re: [openstack-dev] Please do *NOT* use "vendorized" versions of anything (here: glanceclient using requests.packages.urllib3)

2014-09-19 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Donald Stufft wrote: > So you can remove all that code and just let requests/urllib3 handle it on > 3.2+, 2.7.9+ and for anything less than that either use conditional > dependencies to have glance client depend on pyOpenSSL, ndg-httpsclient, > and pyasn1 on Pytho

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tripleo] New Project -> Kolla: Deploy and Manage OpenStack using Kubernetes and Docker

2014-09-24 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 12:40 AM, Steven Dake wrote: > I'm pleased to announce the development of a new project Kolla which is > Greek for glue :). Kolla has a goal of providing an implementation that > deploys OpenStack using Kubernetes and Docker. This project will begin as a > StackForge proje

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] [All] API standards working group

2014-09-24 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 12:18 AM, Jay Pipes wrote: > Yes, I'd be willing to head up the working group... or at least > participate in it. I am certainly interested, count me in. Chmouel ___ OpenStack-dev mailing list OpenStack-dev@lists.openstack.or

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tripleo] New Project -> Kolla: Deploy and Manage OpenStack using Kubernetes and Docker

2014-09-24 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 6:02 AM, Clint Byrum wrote: > However, this does make me think that Keystone domains should be exposable > to services inside your cloud for use as SSO. It would be quite handy > if the keystone users used for the VMs that host Kubernetes could use > the same credentials t

Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] Diagnosing problems with containers

2014-09-26 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Lars Kellogg-Stedman wrote: > As people are starting to look at Kubernetes and Docker, there have Nice, thanks for sharing! I think that may be nice to have this in a blog article (if it wasn't done already) Chmouel

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone][swift] Has anybody considered storing tokens in Swift?

2014-09-29 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 11:47 PM, Dmitry Mescheryakov <> wrote: > As a result of operation #1 the token will be saved into Swift by the > Keystone. But due to eventual consistency it could happen that validation > of token in operation #2 will not see the saved token. Pr

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone][swift] Has anybody considered storing tokens in Swift?

2014-09-29 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On 30/09/2014 01:05, Clay Gerrard wrote: eventual consistency will only affect container listing and I don't think there is a need for container listing in that driver. well now hold on... if you're doing an overwrite in the face of server failures you could still get a stale read if a serve

Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] Kolla Blueprints

2014-09-30 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 6:41 PM, Steven Dake wrote: > > I've done a first round of prioritization. I think key things we need > people to step up for are nova and rabbitmq containers. > > For the developers, please take a moment to pick a specific blueprint to > work on. If your already working

Re: [openstack-dev] 2 Minute tokens

2014-09-30 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 3:47 AM, Adam Young wrote: > 1. Identify the roles for the APIs that Cinder is going to be calling on > swift based on Swifts policy.json FYI: there is no Swifts policy.json in mainline code, there is one external middleware available that provides it here https://github

Re: [openstack-dev] Travels tips for the Paris summit

2014-10-15 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote: > I found this: > > > The "Creperies" (Brittany pancakes) are also great choices for > vegetarians since you can easily pick a vegetarian filling. > my vegetarians friends a

Re: [openstack-dev] [Horizon] [Devstack]

2014-10-24 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Yves-Gwenaël Bourhis <> wrote: > Le 23/10/2014 23:55, Gabriel Hurley a écrit : > > 1) If you’re going to store very large amounts of data in the > > session, then session cleanup is going to become an important issue to > >

Re: [openstack-dev] [devstack] keystone doesn't restart after ./unstack

2014-11-04 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hi, If you do ./ you probably want to do ./ back again to restack, ./ is here when you have your screen session killed and want to rejoin it without having to ./ the full shenanigan again. Cheers, Chmouel On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Angelo Matarazzo <

Re: [openstack-dev] Using tmux instead of screen in devstack

2014-07-01 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Anant Patil wrote: > Hi, > > I use tmux (an alternative to screen) a lot and I believe lot of other > developers use it. I have been using devstack for some time now and would > like to add the option of using tmux instead of screen for creating > sessions for open

Re: [openstack-dev] REST API access to configuration options

2014-07-16 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Henry Nash wrote: > Do people think this is a good idea? Useful in other projects? Concerned > about the risks? FWIW, we have this in Swift for a while and we actually uses it for different testing in cloud capabilities. I personally find it useful for clien

Re: [openstack-dev] Thoughts on the patch test failure rate and moving forward

2014-07-24 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hello, Thanks for writing this summary, I like all those ideas and thanks working hard on fixing this. > * For all non gold standard configurations, we'll dedicate a part of > our infrastructure to running them in a continuous background loop, > as well as making these configs available

Re: [openstack-dev] Tox run failure during installation of dependencies in requirements

2014-08-06 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Narasimhan, Vivekanandan <> wrote: > Timeout: > ( object at 0x37e4790>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect > timeout=15)') > I think this error message is pretty self explanatory Chmouel

Re: [openstack-dev] [devstack] Core team proposals

2014-08-08 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 8:09 PM, Dean Troyer wrote: > Please respond in the usual manner, +1 or concerns. +1, I would be happy to see Ian joining the team. Chmouel ___ OpenStack-dev mailing list http://lists.openstack

Re: [openstack-dev] [Swift] Protecting the access to memcache

2013-09-16 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
John Dickinson writes: > available for a WSGI pipeline. (Note that swift.common.middleware.acl > may be misplaced by this definition, but it's only used by tempauth.) and keystone_auth FYI. Chmouel. ___ OpenStack-dev mailing list OpenStack-dev@lists.

[openstack-dev] TC Candidacy

2013-10-09 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hi, I'd like to put my candidacy for a position on the OpenStack Technical Committee. I have been involved with OpenStack since before it actually existed while working on Swift at the Rackspace Cloud. My experience with OpenSource started in the late 90s while working on the Linux-Mandrake dist

Re: [openstack-dev] Gerrit tools

2013-10-21 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Flavio Percoco wrote: > Also realize that OpenStack maintains gerritlib - >>**infra/gerritlib >> >> Which anyone can contribute to (and is the code that every message posted >> back to ger

[openstack-dev] [keystone] updating password user_crud vs credentials

2013-10-23 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
Hello, If i understand correctly (and I may be wrong) we are moving away from user_crud to use /credentials for updating password including ec2. The credentials facility was implemented in this blueprint : and documented here

Re: [openstack-dev] Split of the openstack-dev list

2013-11-14 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Julien Danjou wrote: > > Other suggestion: we could stop posting meeting reminders to -dev (I > > know, I'm guilty of it) and only post something if the meeting time > > changes, or if the weekly meeting is canceled for whatever reason. > > Good suggestion. > Or

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