Hey all,
I am officially removing myself as a core member of the Zaqar project.
Thanks for all the good times, friends, and I wish you the best for the future!
- Alej
OpenStack-dev mailing list
Today is the last day to prepare a submission for the Google Summer of
Code project.
If interested, please volunteer by adding your name and project
affiliation here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GSoC2014#Mentors
Join us @ freenode: #openstack-gsoc for the latest updates or if you
have a
> Hi folks, I'd like to propose adding Fei Long Wang (flwang) as a core
> reviewer on the Marconi team. He has been contributing regularly over the
> past couple of months, and has proven to be a careful reviewer with good
> judgment.
> All Marconi ATC's, please respond with a +1 or --1.
> C
Malini is dedicated to making Marconi and Openstack a healthier, better
place. I am very happy to see Malini being proposed for Core. I trust
that she'll do wonders for the project and will help drive interaction
with the larger Openstack ecosystem. :)
> -Original Message-
> From: Fla
Hello all,
Marconi team met today and discussed:
* FAQ Meetup: a plan to meet and work on clarifying the Marconi vision
* Tempest testing: plans to handle MongoDB at the gate
* Oslo Liaison: Flavio volunteered/was elected to help communicate
between Oslo/Marconi
* Use of Marconi for the Unified G
As a core developer for the Marconi project, I favor this request and
bless it with a +2.
In addition to the listed benefits, I've discovered the following
additional benefits during my free time:
1. The naming of a clustered Marconi deployment would be called a
"Macaroni Salad". This wil