Hello everyone,
I have a question about Neutron. I learn that the ovs-agent receives the
update-port rpc notification,and updates ovsdb data for VM port.
But what is the situation when i use SDN controllers instead of OVS mechanism
driver? I found no where in ODL to add the VM port to ovs.
don't know this ODL and how it works but for ovs-agent nova-compute is part
>which adds port to ovs bridge (see for example nova/virt/libvirt/vif.py)
>Pozdrawiam / Best regards
>Sławek Kapłoński
>Dnia wtorek, 12 kwietnia 2016 12:31:01 CEST
hi everyone,
i have a question for the neutron code in liberty: how does neutron assign IP
address for instance?
in nova.network, it seems that neutron sever gets a feasible ip from the DB
pool, which looks like this:
nova.compute.manager.ComputeVirtAPI._allocate_network_async() ->