It is really close to the holidays. But we didn't say we will cancel the
meeting. I will be there if there are people.
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Happy new year! Start Nova API meeting again.
The meeting is being held Wednesday UTC1300 and irc channel is
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
2017-01-07 5:55 GMT+08:00 Matt Riedemann :
> On 12/16/2016 6:40 AM, Chris Dent wrote:
>> ## Resource Provider Traits
>> There's been some recent activity on the spec for resource provider
>> traits. These are a way of specifying qualitative resource
>> requirements (e.g., "I want my disk t
We have weekly Nova API meeting today. The meeting is being held Wednesday
UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
2017-01-17 10:26 GMT+08:00 Matt Riedemann :
> On 1/16/2017 7:12 PM, Zhenyu Zheng wrote:
>> Hi Nova,
>> I just discovered something interesting, the tag has a limited length,
>> and in the current implementation, it is 60 in the tag object definition:
>> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack
2017-01-19 23:43 GMT+08:00 Sylvain Bauza :
> Le 19/01/2017 16:27, Matt Riedemann a écrit :
> > Sylvain and I were talking about how he's going to work placement
> > microversion requests into his filter scheduler patch [1]. He needs to
> > make requests to the placement API with microversion 1
Unfortunately the device tag support in the API was broken in the old
Microversion https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1658571, which thanks to
Kevin Zheng to find out that.
Actually there are two bugs, just all of them are about device tag. The
first one [0] is a mistake in the initial introduce
2017-01-25 0:27 GMT+08:00 Matt Riedemann :
> On 1/24/2017 9:18 AM, Matt Riedemann wrote:
>> First, thanks to Kevin and Alex for finding this issue and explaining it
>> in detail so we can understand the scope.
>> This is a nasty unfortunate issue which I really wish we could just fix
>> wi
We have weekly Nova API meeting today. The meeting is being held Wednesday
UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
The patches about validation the filters and sorts for servers API are
merged [0]. But we still have something left [1].
The left is about the proposal of introducing the new rule
'os_compute_api:servers:all_tenants_visible' which is soft enforcement. The
new rule will instead of the old hard enfo
2017-01-29 1:31 GMT+08:00 Matt Riedemann :
> On 1/27/2017 3:37 AM, Alex Xu wrote:
>> The patches about validation the filters and sorts for servers API are
>> merged [0]. But we still have something left [1].
>> The left is about the propos
We have weekly Nova API meeting tomorrow. And it is the time to talk about
the plan of Pike. I created an etherpad for Pike ideas
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-api-pike, please free feel to add
ideas and comments.
The meeting is being held Wednesday UTC1300 and irc channel is
2017-02-11 0:10 GMT+08:00 Ed Leafe :
> Your regular reporter, Chris Dent, is on PTO today, so I'm filling in.
> I'll be brief.
> After the flurry of activity to get as much in before the Ocata RCs, this
> past week was relatively calm. Work continued on the patch to have Ironic
> resources track
We have weekly Nova API meeting tomorrow. The meeting is being held
Wednesday UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
@Jay, actually I'm here for CAT. I also have another idea about the
proposal, so catch you about it, let us sync all the ideas. :)
2017-02-22 11:17 GMT-05:00 Jay Pipes :
> Hi Eli,
> Sorry for top-posting. Just a quick note to say I had a good conversation
> on Monday about this wit
2018-07-06 2:55 GMT+08:00 melanie witt :
> +openstack-dev@
> On Wed, 4 Jul 2018 14:50:26 +, Bogdan Katynski wrote:
>> But, I can not use nova command, endpoint nova have been redirected from
>>> https to http. Here:http://prntscr.com/k2e8s6 (command: nova –insecure
>>> service list)
2018-07-06 10:03 GMT+08:00 Alex Xu :
> 2018-07-06 2:55 GMT+08:00 melanie witt :
>> +openstack-dev@
>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2018 14:50:26 +, Bogdan Katynski wrote:
>>> But, I can not use nova command, endpoint nova have been redirected fro
The version API isn't protected by the microversion, since the version API
is used to discover the microversion.
2018-07-07 5:37 GMT+08:00 Matt Riedemann :
> On 7/6/2018 6:28 AM, Kristi Nikolla wrote:
>> If the answer is 'no', can we find a process that gets us there? Or
>> are we doomed
>> by
2018-07-25 17:44 GMT+08:00 Ghanshyam Mann :
> Hi All,
> During today API office hour, we were discussing about keypair quota usage
> bug (newton) [1]. key_pair 'in_use' quota is always 0 even when request per
> user which is because it is being set as 0 always [2].
> From checking the history
2018-07-26 0:29 GMT+08:00 William M Edmonds :
> Ghanshyam Mann wrote on 07/25/2018 05:44:46 AM:
> ... snip ...
> > 1. is it ok to show the keypair used info via API ? any original
> > rational not to do so or it was just like that from starting.
> keypairs aren't tied to a tenant/project, so
2018-07-26 1:43 GMT+08:00 Chris Friesen :
> On 07/25/2018 10:29 AM, William M Edmonds wrote:
>> Ghanshyam Mann wrote on 07/25/2018 05:44:46 AM:
>> ... snip ...
>> > 1. is it ok to show the keypair used info via API ? any original
>> > rational not to do so or it was just like that from sta
Oh, right, sorry, I'm keeping to think about its about the user in specific
tenant usage just like other resources. You are right, Keypair has nothing
about the tenant, only about the user. Thanks.
2018-07-26 23:22 GMT+08:00 Chris Friesen :
> On 07/25/2018 06:22 PM, Alex
2018-08-02 4:09 GMT+08:00 Jay Pipes :
> On 08/01/2018 02:02 PM, Chris Friesen wrote:
>> On 08/01/2018 11:32 AM, melanie witt wrote:
>> I think it's definitely a significant issue that troubleshooting "No
>>> allocation
>>> candidates returned" from placement is so difficult. However, it's not
2018-08-17 2:44 GMT+08:00 Dan Smith :
> > yes, the DB query was in serial, after some investigation, it seems
> that we are unable to perform eventlet.mockey_patch in uWSGI mode, so
> > Yikun made this fix:
> >
> > https://review.openstack.org/#/c/592285/
> Cool, good catch :)
> >
> > Afte
; "it's own thing". We've passed the half-way point in 2018.
> 5. In OpenStack we have a tradition of the contributors having a
> strong degree of self-determination. If that tradition is to be
> upheld, then it would make sense that the people who designed and
2018-08-27 23:31 GMT+08:00 Matt Riedemann :
> On 8/24/2018 7:36 AM, Chris Dent wrote:
>> Over the past few days a few of us have been experimenting with
>> extracting placement to its own repo, as has been discussed at
>> length on this list, and in some etherpads:
>> https://etherpad.open
Eric Fried 于2018年8月31日周五 下午11:45写道:
> The openstack/placement project [1] and its core team [2] have been
> established in gerrit.
> I hereby nominate Chris Dent for membership in the placement-core team.
> He has been instrumental in the design, implementation, and stewardship
> of the pla
I'm happy to be the translator or forwarder for the nova issue if you guys
need(although, the nova team isn't happy with me now, also i see it is not
to my personal. I guess they won't be make me hard for other work I do.). I
can see there are a lot of Chinese operators/users complain some issues,
Fred Li 于2018年9月17日周一 上午8:25写道:
> There are many wechat groups about OpenStack, some of them are regional
> (like southern east China, Beijing, Xi'an group), some of them are event
> oriented, and some are for others. Yes, you need to be invited, which is
> not convenient. So far as I know there
That only means after 599276 we only have servers API and
os-instance-action API stopped accepting the undefined query parameter.
What I'm thinking about is checking all the APIs, add json-query-param
checking with additionalProperties=True if the API don't have yet. And
using another microversion
Chris Dent 于2018年9月29日周六 上午1:19写道:
> On Fri, 28 Sep 2018, Jay Pipes wrote:
> > On 09/28/2018 09:25 AM, Eric Fried wrote:
> >> It's time somebody said this.
> Yes, a useful topic, I think.
++, I'm interesting this topic also, since it confuses me for a long time...
> >> Every time we tu
Jay Pipes 于2018年9月29日周六 上午5:51写道:
> On 09/28/2018 04:42 PM, Eric Fried wrote:
> > On 09/28/2018 09:41 AM, Balázs Gibizer wrote:
> >> On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 3:25 PM, Eric Fried wrote:
> >>> It's time somebody said this.
> >>>
> >>> Every time we turn a corner or look under a rug, we find another
Sorry for append another email for something I missed to say.
Alex Xu 于2018年9月29日周六 上午10:01写道:
> Jay Pipes 于2018年9月29日周六 上午5:51写道:
>> On 09/28/2018 04:42 PM, Eric Fried wrote:
>> > On 09/28/2018 09:41 AM, Balázs Gibizer wrote:
>> >> On Fri, Sep 28
Jay Pipes 于2018年10月5日周五 下午9:25写道:
> Added [ironic] topic.
> On 10/04/2018 06:06 PM, Chris Friesen wrote:
> > While discussing the "Add HPET timer support for x86 guests"
> > blueprint[1] one of the items that came up was how to represent what are
> > essentially flags that impact both schedulin
so FYI, in case people missing this spec, there is spec from John
the roadmap of this spec is also saying deprecate the quota-class API.
melanie witt 于2018年10月25日周四 上午3:54写道:
> On Wed, 24 Oct 2018 13:57:
We have weekly Nova API meeting tomorrow. The meeting is being held
Wednesday UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
We have weekly Nova API meeting today. The meeting is being held Wednesday
UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
> Again, that looks like a stretch goal to me, given how small we already
> discussed about that yet. But sure, Ocata would be fine for discussing
> first.
> Anyway, in conclusion, we've got a ton of work to do and I'm going to
>> spend time before
2016-09-23 20:38 GMT+08:00 Daniel P. Berrange :
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 07:32:36AM -0500, Matt Riedemann wrote:
> > On 9/23/2016 3:54 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> > > On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 01:54:21PM -0500, Matt Riedemann wrote:
> > > > Sergey is working on a spec to use the standardized vi
We have weekly Nova API meeting today. The meeting is being held Wednesday
UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
We have weekly Nova API meeting today. The meeting is being held Wednesday
UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
We have weekly Nova API meeting today. The meeting is being held Wednesday
UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
2016-10-19 0:58 GMT+08:00 Ed Leafe :
> On Oct 18, 2016, at 11:01 AM, Chris Dent wrote:
> >
> > If the requested microversion is greater than the maximum, a 404 still
> > makes some sense (no mapping _now_), but a 406 could as well because it
> > provides a signal that if you used a different micr
Currently we only update the resource usage with Placement API in the
instance claim and the available resource update periodic task. But there
is no claim for migration with placement API yet. This works is tracked by
https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1621709. In newton, we only fix one
bit whi
We have weekly Nova API meeting tomorrow. The meeting is being held
Wednesday UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
2016-11-02 16:26 GMT+08:00 Sylvain Bauza :
> Le 01/11/2016 15:14, Alex Xu a écrit :
> Currently we only update the resource usage with Placement API in the
> instance claim and the available resource update periodic task. But there
> is no claim for migration with pl
We have weekly Nova API meeting tomorrow. The meeting is being held
Wednesday UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
2016-11-03 4:52 GMT+08:00 Jay Pipes :
> On 11/01/2016 10:14 AM, Alex Xu wrote:
>> Currently we only update the resource usage with Placement API in the
>> instance claim and the available resource update periodic task. But
>> there is no claim for migration with placemen
We have weekly Nova API meeting tomorrow. The meeting is being held
Wednesday UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
We have weekly Nova API meeting today. The meeting is being held Wednesday
UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.
The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:
Please feel free to add items to the agenda.
Yea, thanks for all the help you give, and yes, I learned from you a lot
also. Really sad lost one teacher.
Wish all the best to you!
2016-11-24 9:56 GMT+08:00 Ghanshyam Mann
> Thanks a lot alaski for your incredible contribution in Nova. You were a
> great learning guide and men
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