We are planning two calls to prepare for the Berlin Summit. One is some time
between Oct 15 and 23 and the other is the week of November 5 which is the week
before the Summit.
The purpose of the first call is to go through the training material and
prepare for the training. We will check t
Hi Training Team,
As a follow up from our last call we agreed to cancel the regular IRC meetings
as we do not have that many regular topics to discuss.
We will keep scheduling ad-hoc calls to prepare for the trainings before the
Summits and utilize the mailing list and the IRC channel for commu
Dear team,
I think it's good to maintain a weekly report to keep everyone informed of
what's going on. So, from now on, I will try to write weekly reports. Here
is for the week of Oct 1 - Oct 5 or Stein R-27:
All comments are w
Hello stackers,
I have a 3-controller based cluster deployed using TripleO (Queens,
tripleo-current). Every time after a fresh deployment, I am unable to
launch instances for the first few times. New launches either stuck at
BUILD or go to ERROR state. The issue continues until the "nova_placement
Hi everyone:
Our gates have unfortunately been blocked because of OpenSUSE failures
and Bionic timeouts, I have submitted a patch to set both to non
Bionic: It seems to take a really long time for APT installs, I'm
investigating and thanks to fungi I hope to have an instance to get it
up a
Hi all, I'm working on a potential integration between masakari and
congress. But I am stuck on some basic usage questions I could not
answer in my search of docs and demos. Any clarification or references
would be much appreciated!
1. What does a host refer to in masakari API? Here's the explanat
Hi Eric,
(1) "virtual machine" is bug. This need to be corrected as physical machine
or hypervisor.
Masakari host is a physical host/hypervisor. I will correct this.
(2) Not through masakari APIs. You have to add metadata key
'HA_Enabled=True' to each VM by using nova API.
Masakeri mon