On 1/4/2017 12:07 AM, Shiina, Hironori wrote:
Hi Matt,
In Not started / blocked group in
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-ocata-feature-freeze :
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/inject-nmi-ironic (Tang Chen)
No Nova code changes yet, several Ironic patches outstanding, so
Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [nova] Outlook on Ocata blueprints
> Over the last couple of days I've gone over each blueprint targeted for
> Ocata [1] which isn't yet implemented. I've categorized each based on
> it's c
On 1/3/2017 6:03 PM, Takashi Natsume wrote:
Hi Matt.
The following blueprint has been approved for ocata,
but it is not in "nova-ocata-feature-freeze" etherpad.
* https://review.openstack.org/#/c/334725/ (spec)
Hi Matt.
The following blueprint has been approved for ocata,
but it is not in "nova-ocata-feature-freeze" etherpad.
* https://review.openstack.org/#/c/334725/ (spec)
The blueprint's definition is "Approved", but t
Over the last couple of days I've gone over each blueprint targeted for
Ocata [1] which isn't yet implemented. I've categorized each based on
it's current status or what my outlook is for it getting done in this
release before the feature freeze on January 26th. The results are here: