It was granted earlier today during the Neutron drivers meeting
On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 12:22 AM, Sridar Kandaswamy (skandasw) <
skand...@cisco.com> wrote:
> Thanks An. The team has been working with An to review and validate these
> changes – we believe we are close to the final vers
Thanks An. The team has been working with An to review and validate these
changes – we believe we are close to the final version and should be able to
merge by tomorrow barring any unforeseen surprises. So pls consider adding
these to the RC as they address some critical issues as outlined below
I would like to request inclusion of the following patches which address bugs
found in our testing.
Addressing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1746404
'auto_associate_default_firewall_group' got an error when new port is created
We started