On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 5:25 PM, Lin Hua Cheng wrote:
> That is the expected behavior. Horizon does not support extendable session
> token.
> From my understanding on that spec, it would require Horizon to store only
> the unscoped token and request for extension of that from keystone.
> Ho
That is the expected behavior. Horizon does not support extendable session
>From my understanding on that spec, it would require Horizon to store only
the unscoped token and request for extension of that from keystone.
Horizon is currently dependent on the project scoped token and store th
Hi all,
When a user is logged into Horizon and the Keystone token expires, I'm seeing
that the user gets logged out, even though the web session hasn't expired.
After some searching around and finding [1], it looks like this is expected, as
the implementation of Session Extendable Tokens would