Hi cinder block storage peeps:
I haven't heard from you on your comfort level with publishing so I went
ahead and made the publishing job myself with this review:
Please let me know your thoughts there. Is the document ready to publish?
Need anything else to g
> Sorry, in reviewing further today I found another project that does not
> have a publish job but has in-tree source files:
> cinder
> Team cinder: can you let me know where you are in your publishing comfort
> level? Please add an api-ref-jobs: line with a target of block-storage
> to je
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Anne Gentle
> Hi all,
> I wanted to report on status and answer any questions you all have about
> the API reference and guide publishing process.
> The expectation is that we provide all OpenStack API information on
> developer.openstack.org. In order to