Thanks Mark! I’ll try reposting my commits for review, now that the new Oslo
release is out.
PCM (Paul Michali)
MAIL …..….
IRC ……..… pcm_ (
TW ………... @pmichali
GPG Key … 4525ECC253E31A83
Fingerprint .. 307A 96BB 1A4C D2C7 931D 8D2D 4525 ECC2 53E3 1A83
On Jun 2
On Fri, 2014-06-27 at 13:28 +, Paul Michali (pcm) wrote:
> Mark,
> When would we be able to get a release of Oslo with 102909 fix in?
> It’s preventing Jenkins passing for some commits in Neutron.
I've just pushed with the following changes:
244a902 Fix the notifier example
When would we be able to get a release of Oslo with 102909 fix in? It’s
preventing Jenkins passing for some commits in Neutron.
PCM (Paul Michali)
MAIL …..….
IRC ……..… pcm_ (
TW ………... @pmichali
GPG Key … 4525ECC253E31A83
Fingerprint .. 307A 96BB
The Oslo team is pleased to announce the release of oslo.messaging, the first pre-release in the 1.4.0 series for oslo.messaging
during the Juno cycle:
oslo.messaging provides an API which supports RPC and notifications over
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