Convert to Asia timezone, the new time is easy to remember for us :)
For CST (UTC+8:00):
Thursday 08:00 AM
For JST (UTC+9:00):
Thursday 09:00 AM
2015-08-01 1:20 GMT+08:00 Tim Hinrichs :
> Peter pointed out that no on
Peter pointed out that no one uses #openstack-meeting-2. So we'll go with
#openstack-meeting. Here are the updated meeting details.
Room: #openstack-meeting
Time: Wednesday 5p Pacific = Thursday midnight UTC
There's a change out for review that will update the meeting website once
it merges.
Hi all,
We managed to find a day/time where all the active contributors can attend
(without being up too early/late). The room, day, and time have all
Room: #openstack-meeting-2
Time: Wednesday 5p Pacific = Thursday midnight UTC
Next week we begin with this new schedule.
And don't for