{P} R&D Engineer
Network & Security
{T} +33 (0) 2 56 35 88 53
{W} www.b-com.com<http://www.b-com.com>
From: ? ? (Alexander Chadin)
Sent: 02 August 2017 14:47
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
o the Watcher.
Yumeng is active on IRC channels and take a part on weekly meetings as well.
Please, vote with +1/-1.
Best Regards,
Alexander Chadin
OpenStack Developer
{P} R&D Engineer
Network & Security
{T} +33 (0) 2 56 35 88 53
Bin Zhou,
IMHO, we should have a new configuration that introduces weights for each
metrics backend we intend to use. Then, we use the datasource with the
biggest weight that actually provides the metric we are requesting. This way,
only one datasource will ever serve a given metric although many