I installed Openstack Queens version using Openstack-ansible.
and I set gnocchi, ceilometer for metering.
After installation,
I got metric from instance, image, swift, etc.
but, there is no metric by network
I did by gnocchi cli, like this
$ gnocchi resource-type list
the network resou
Magnum team.
I Installed Openstack newton and magnum.
I installed Magnum by source.
I want to use docker-registry and connect to "admin" account object store,
but I don't want to explosure admin password.
I created cluster-template below options.
- coe: kubernetes
- os: fedora_atomi
ly, kubectl create -f nginx.yaml
But 7th step was failed.
Best regards.
2017-05-17 20:58 GMT+09:00 Spyros Trigazis :
> On 17 May 2017 at 06:25, KiYoun Sung wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Magnum team.
>> I Installed Openstack newton and magnum.
>> I
Magnum team.
I Installed Openstack newton and magnum.
I installed Magnum by source(master branch).
I have two questions.
After installation,
I created kubernetes cluster and it's CREATE_COMPLETE,
and I want to create kubernetes pod.
My create script is below.
Magnum Team.
I installed magnum on Openstack Ocata(by fuel 11.0).
I referred to this guide.(https://docs.openstack.org/project-install-guide/
Below is my installation information.
root@controller:~# dpkg -l | grep magnum