[openstack-dev] [Rally]Rally exception

2014-09-29 Thread Harshil Shah (harsshah)
I ran into below rally exception while trying to run Rally scenario. u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/localadmin/openstack/cvg_rally/rally/rally/benchmark/runners/base.py", line 73, in _run_scenario_once\nmethod_name)(**kwargs) or scenario_output\n File "/home/localadm

Re: [openstack-dev] Rally scenario Issue

2014-09-03 Thread Harshil Shah (harsshah)
Hello Timur, I have one question, so I am testing rally boot and delete scenario, it seems to work fine when tenant is 1 and user is 1. Although if I change tenant to 2 and users 2, I see below error. Any idea why this can happen ? = 2014-09-03 10:51:18.138 17441 CRITICAL rally [-] Service