Thanks Andrew for this (very) exhaustive list.
As you have pointed out, for all the missing features (I think flavors
can also be a part of that list) the community needs to decide where
the info lives primarily (API or compute cells) and how it is
propagated (Synced, sent with the request, asked
rations (including
build_instances) work on the Instance objects. By passing the
"instance_type" dict to subsequent compute API methods, we can avoid a
second redundant DB lookup. Since in a cell setup that is the step
that generates the FlavorNotFound exception, we can remove the bug.
we are working on bug-1211011 (Flavors created in parent cell are not
propagated to the child cell)..
we need a few pointers from the community (and people working with cells).
The problem is that if the "instance_type" tables are not in sync in
all cells we can spawn a
different flavor than t
I am a little confused about the cell hierarchy in openstack. The blueprint
and the docs state that cells can be arranged in a tree-structure and that
there may be multiple parents for a child.
Does this mean that there can be multiple levels of cells in a setup or
there can be multiple parent