Re: [Openstack-academia] A non profit table at OpenStack summit/conference

2012-02-27 Thread hitesh wadekar
Hi Stefano, It sounds good idea. however, I am not sure whether I will be able to attend the Summit. Moreover, I am interested in OpenStack research academics project, but I am still waiting to universtiy acceptance for graduation study program. Let me know how can I help you on this? feel fre

Re: [Openstack-academia] New Research Initiative

2012-01-25 Thread hitesh wadekar
Thanks everyone for update. Andrew, I am Hitesh Wadekar, I am prospective student for MS computer sciecne (Fall 2012). It will be glad for us if you could specify or elaborate more what exactly you want to do, as cloud is vast, We need to choose specific domain for study, for example, I have