Re: [Openstack] How to specify a compute node for instance to boot

2013-09-20 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
board? Thanks for replies. Piotr. ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Tec

[Openstack] Swift not detect Keystone and Authtoken

2013-09-23 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
.10.40:11211 [filter:keystone] #use = egg:swift#keystone paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.swift_auth:filter_factory operator_roles = Member,admin is_admin = true Please help thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list: http://lists

Re: [Openstack] Swift not detect Keystone and Authtoken

2013-09-23 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
dhika Gilang ---09/23/2013 05:14:26 PM---Mahardhika Gilang Mahardhika Gilang   09/23/2013 05:

Re: [Openstack] Swift not detect Keystone and Authtoken

2013-09-23 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
er_factory Mahardhika Gilang ---2013-09-23 下午 07:15:28---Mahardhika Gilang Mahardhika Gilang   2013-09-23 下午

Re: [Openstack] [OpenStack][Grizzly]how to config multiple l3 agent for quantum ? I wanna run multiple l3 agent on one network node, because I wanna multiple external network.

2013-09-24 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
ost to : Unsubscribe : -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Technology * Gedung Gravira Jl. Cideng Barat no. 54 Jakarta Pusat 10150 Mobile : 0852 139 55861 Email : _

Re: [Openstack] Swift not detect Keystone and Authtoken

2013-09-24 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
] #use = egg:swift#keystoneauth operator_roles = Member,admin is_admin = true Mahardhika Gilang ---2013-09-24 上

Re: [Openstack] Swift not detect Keystone and Authtoken

2013-09-24 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
0193 Mahardhika Gilang ---09/24/2013 04:33:12 PM---Mahardhika Gilang Mahardhika Gilang   09/24/2013 04:3

[Openstack] Swift got [Errno -5] No address associated with hostname

2013-09-24 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
this command #swift -V 2 -A http://keystone_server:5000/v2.0 -U tenantname:tenantuser -K password stat Please give some advice Thanks Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list: Po

[Openstack] Entry point 'proxy' not found in egg 'swift'

2013-09-25 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
stem [filter:healthcheck] use = egg:swift#healthcheck [filter:cache] use = egg:swift#memcache memcache_servers = please help thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] Swift not detect Keystone and Authtoken

2013-09-26 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
Hi, i've enable keystone ssl on keystone.conf, but port 443 wont up. On 9/26/2013 2:14 PM, Jeffrey Walton wrote: On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:18 AM, Mahardhika Gilang>> wrote: When i put https on it, error come up Authorizat

[Openstack] How Swift Integrate with PHP

2013-09-30 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
Hi all, i just wondering how can i make some simple script (upload file) that integrate with swift? so the file will be upload to swift node. Need help here. thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] How Swift Integrate with PHP

2013-09-30 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
4000 -Original Message- From: Mahardhika Gilang [] Sent: 30 September 2013 09:57 To: Openstack Milis Subject: [Openstack] How Swift Integrate with PHP Hi all, i just wondering how can i make some simple script (upload file) that integrate with swift? so the

Re: [Openstack] How Swift Integrate with PHP

2013-09-30 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
/swift/associated_projects.html?highlight=php Hope it help +Hugo Kuo+ (+886) 935004793 2013/9/30 Mahardhika Gilang <>> Hi all, i just wondering how can i make some simple script (upload file) that integrate with swift? so the file will be uploa

[Openstack] Instance Disk Problem

2013-10-03 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
instance with no LVM on it too. please help -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] Instance Disk Problem

2013-10-03 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
root space at the time of boot . Same would be for another os also but you need to check the package name. Regards, Ritesh On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Mahardhika Gilang>> wrote: Hi all, i have deploy one instance and used flavor that ha

Re: [Openstack] Instance Disk Problem

2013-10-06 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
time of boot . Same would be for another os also but you need to check the package name. Regards, Ritesh On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Mahardhika Gilang>> wrote: Hi all, i have deploy one instance and used flavor that have 20G Dis

[Openstack] What Exactly Flavor Work?

2013-10-08 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
rg/en/question/5721/instance-disk-different-with-flavor/ no one answer yet. Please help me out. -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubs

Re: [Openstack] What Exactly Flavor Work?

2013-10-08 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
On 10/9/2013 11:29 AM, Tom Fifield wrote: On 09/10/13 15:27, Tom Fifield wrote: On 09/10/13 15:04, Mahardhika Gilang wrote: Hi all, get confused here after several days finding away out through this issue, - i can't get real size of /vda/ disk on instance that i create - i have follow

Re: [Openstack] What Exactly Flavor Work?

2013-10-08 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
On 10/9/2013 11:27 AM, Tom Fifield wrote: On 09/10/13 15:04, Mahardhika Gilang wrote: Hi all, get confused here after several days finding away out through this issue, - i can't get real size of /vda/ disk on instance that i create - i have follow many step out here : http://www.logila

Re: [Openstack] What Exactly Flavor Work?

2013-10-09 Thread Mahardhika Gilang Unsubscribe : -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Technology * Gedung Gravira Jl. Cideng Barat no. 54 Jakarta Pusat 10150 Mobile : 0852 139 55861 Email : mahardika.gil...@a

Re: [Openstack] What Exactly Flavor Work?

2013-10-10 Thread Mahardhika Gilang Unsubscribe : -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Technology * Gedung Gravira Jl. Cideng Barat no. 54 Jakarta Pusat 10150 Mobile : 0852 139 55861 Email : mahardika.gil...@andala

[Openstack] How to know total size disk on host

2013-11-20 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
Hi all, I want to know how i can get total disk size of all compute node host without check them manual, if i got many compute node it will take much time to do it. thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Technology * Gedung Gravira Jl. Cideng Barat no. 54 Jakarta Pusat 10150

[Openstack] Ubuntu Image for VM

2013-11-26 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
Dear All, where can i get ubuntu image that ready to use in vm on openstack environment i need image that can be resize or used custom size in flavor. Thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list:

[Openstack] Centos 5 image for VM

2013-11-27 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
Hi all, i've been testing for centos 5 to work on openstack as VM that can be resize-able with choosen flavor. is any of you have tried this and success? thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] Centos 5 image for VM

2013-11-27 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
ny requests for EPEL5 yet. You can file a bug at to request an EPEL5 package. But if I'm not mistaken cloud-init in EPEL5 doesn't support filesystem resizing so the growroot package might not be sufficient. ...Juerg

[Openstack] What version to use for production?

2013-12-04 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
released new version, am i must follow this progress? thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] What version to use for production?

2013-12-04 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
des for us so far have been, relatively, painless. (Just had a few small bumps with the db upgrades. Make sure you have a mysqldump before doing those. :) Cheers, Robert van Leeuwen -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Technology * Gedung Gravira Jl. Cideng Barat no. 54 Jakarta Pusat 10

Re: [Openstack] What version to use for production?

2013-12-05 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
ink these upgrades are a good moment to test your knowledge / troubleshooting skills on dev ;) Usually checking what happens in the logfiles gives you enough information on where to look. Cheers, Robert van Leeuwen -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Technology * Gedung Gravira Jl. Cideng

[Openstack] Database Migrate from Quantum to Neutron

2013-12-08 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
r log , but when i tried to see router list with #neutron router-list it said /Request Failed: internal server error while processing your request.// /Seems like something is blocking neutron. how to do it in proper way with upgrading this database? thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika G

[Openstack] What to check when vm not get IP

2013-12-10 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
its not get any reply. what should i check? This happen when i upgrade from grizzly to havana. Thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list: Post to : openstack

[Openstack] VM Can Access Internet But No Floating IP

2013-12-12 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
n the first subnet (allocation pool is end= router get and the vm get it too , all vm. So yes vm can access internet. What to check and handle this? i have tried recreate external network. -- Regards, Mahardhika G

[Openstack] [Ask] Cinder Ubuntu Saucy 13.10

2014-01-03 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
just want make this clear, since i see many still used precise Ubuntu for cloud. -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ** ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] [Ask] Cinder Ubuntu Saucy 13.10

2014-01-05 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
chart carefully. 12.04 will not get Icehouse. Which was actually a surprise to a lot of us at the last summit. -Sean -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Technology * Gedung Gravira Jl. Cideng Barat no. 54 Jakarta Pusat 10150 Mobile : 0852 139 55861 Email : mahardika.gil...@andalab

Re: [Openstack] How to remove swift from horizon

2014-01-08 Thread Mahardhika Gilang Post to : Unsubscribe : -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Technology * Gedung Gravira Jl. Cideng Barat no. 54 Jakarta Pusat 10150 Mobile :

[Openstack] Install Ceilometer on Ubuntu 12.04

2014-01-21 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
Hi, i have tried this step for installing ceilometer : have any of you got it work? or there's another documentation for installing ceilometer? thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika G

Re: [Openstack] Install Ceilometer on Ubuntu 12.04

2014-01-21 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
Hi, i will give it try, will update this email if i got any result. thanks! On 1/21/2014 4:09 PM, Igor Karpov wrote: On 21 Jan 2014, at 10:17, Mahardhika Gilang wrote: Hi, i have tried this step for installing ceilometer : have

Re: [Openstack] instance management error

2014-03-13 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
/listinfo/openstack Post to : Unsubscribe : -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Technology * Gedung Gravira Jl. Cideng Barat no. 54 Jakarta Pusat 10150 Mobile : 0852 139 55861 Email

Re: [Openstack] Not able to deploy a instance from controller node

2014-03-21 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
n/listinfo/openstack Post to : Unsubscribe : -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang *PT. Andalabs Technology * Gedung Gravira Jl. Cideng Barat no. 54 Jakarta Pusat 10150 Mobile : 0852 139 55861 Email : mah

[Openstack] Ceilometer stats not show

2014-04-08 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
ks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

[Openstack] Icehouse with Ubuntu 14 - [Error: Unexpected vif_type=binding_failed].

2014-06-06 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
stone-signing [database] connection = mysql://neutron:password@ Thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubs

[Openstack] Openstack with Ubuntu 14.04

2014-06-08 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
Hi all, Does anyone get 3 node setup done and work with ubuntu 14.04? if i used 12.04.4 which will end on 2017, what am i must to do? upgrade OS? doest that will replace my current configuration? Thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing

[Openstack] Switch to tenants from admin

2014-06-16 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
Dear all, i have this little bit problem, when switching from admin tenant to other tenant in horizon dashboard, it will redirect to login form ** is there any solution? thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang

[Openstack] Libguestfs in Icehouse with ubuntu 14

2014-06-17 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
Hi, i've got this warning in nova-compute.log *Failed to close augeas aug_close: call launch before using this function** **(in guestfish, don't forget to use the 'run' command)* is that mean i have to install libguestfs? thanks -- Regard

Re: [Openstack] Libguestfs in Icehouse with ubuntu 14

2014-06-17 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
9:17 PM, Pádraig Brady wrote: On 06/17/2014 11:47 AM, Mahardhika Gilang wrote: Hi, i've got this warning in nova-compute.log *Failed to close augeas aug_close: call launch before using this function** **(in guestfish, don't forget to use the 'run' command)* is that me

[Openstack] ask - Multiple External Network and Multiple NIC

2014-07-03 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
ternalnet1 - Internet How can i get this work? give me some advice please. thanks -- Regards, Mahardhika Gilang ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscr

Re: [Openstack] ask - Multiple External Network and Multiple NIC

2014-07-06 Thread Mahardhika Gilang
. >> vm1eth0localnet - externalnet--Internet >> vm1eth1---localnet -- externalnet1 - Internet This, however, does not work out of the box. I remember you can't create two NIC from the same tenant network. -- Thanks, Yuanle -- Regards, Mahar