Hi, all. Trying to get a feel for OpenStack, so I installed DevStack.
And it works great... until I have the audacity to restart it. Apache
doesn't go fully live unless I do a restart -- and if I do that, I don't
get past the login screen (just tells me that admin had trouble
accident. It is always the result of high
intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution ―
On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
Hi, all. Trying to get a feel for OpenStack, so I installed
DevStack. And it works great... until I have the audacity t
Hey, all. Looks like I'm not alone, as the same is happening to me:
Has something changed recently?
Mailing list: http://lists.openstac
Hi, all. On page 52 (as per the PDF page numbering; page 60 by absolute
numbering), I'm told about [database], [glance], and
[keystone_authtoken] sections. However, what's below is the entirety of
my /etc/nova/nova.conf file:
root@controller:/tmp# cat /etc/nova/nova.conf
Hi Ken,
You would need to add those sections, if the docs don't make it
clear, please report it as a bug :)
On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Ken D'Ambrosio
Hi, all. On page 52 (as per the PDF page numbering; page 60 by
absolute numbering), I'm told a
On page 66 (as per the PDF), from
I am at "Install and configure network node". This strikes me as stuff
I should, then, be typing on... well, my network node. However, at the
top of the same page,
Hey, all. I've done a Juno deploy via Juju, and every time I try to log
in to the dashboard, I get "An error occurred authenticating. Please try
again later." Somewhat surprisingly, the only log that I'm noticing
showing anything of note is the Apache error log, which reports 'Login
failed fo
Question #1: Spice, or VNC?
Question #2: anything like an installation guide? The docs mention
various parameters, etc., but it's not really clear how it all ties
together. Haven't found anything that quite spells it out, either.
Thanks much for any insights!
Hi, all. I've got two instances -- a Juno and an Icehouse -- both set
up via Ubuntu/Juju. And neither of them shows "allowed address pairs"
when I do a "neutron ext-list" (I've tried on both the neutron-gateway
and nova-cloud-controller). From everything my co-worker and I have
read, it seem
Hey, all. I've got an Openstack install, with each control node on its
own 24 GB, quad-core system. And yet my Horizon is really quite slow;
I've seen it take 15+ seconds to log in, click on the "routers" tab,
The only host among the control nodes that showed significant pain was
the M
On 2015-08-31 14:58, stephen_fri...@dell.com wrote:
Try looking at your keystone table, not sure how old your stamp is but
if you are not pruning then the keystone table becomes large and can
slow response times, at least that is what I have seen in the past
I appreciate the thought, Steve, bu
ical layer... where,
yes, the dashboard node was dropping ~20% of its packets. Bad port or
cable (haven't checked which, yet).
Don't understand why I didn't see massive retransmits in the pcap, but I
guess I'm not going to worry myself with that too much.
Hi! Long time Linux admin, who's finally decided that the cloud is
real, and I'm just thankful that there's an OSS answer to AWS. And now,
it's time to get my feet wet. Which leads me to two questions:
1) I'm really surprised by how few books I see on OpenStack --
especially at the introduc
Well, this one doesn't specify a release name, but...
And may I just say, "Thanks!" I'd been looking for some documentation.
Good stuff!
On 2014-11-13 14:50, CARVER, PAUL wrote:
If anyone knows where
Hi, all. Stepping through the Juno install docs for Ubuntu, trying to
fire up my first-time install. At page 41 in the PDF, where it has me:
* Source my credentials file, then
* lance image-create --name "cirros-0.3.3-x86_64" --file
cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --container
Trying to get a good idea of how they work. As I get it, host
aggregates are collections of (not necessarily mutually exclusive) hosts
that share a metadata value. And they can be part of availability zones
which can be (say) specific to networking hardware, or CPU, or
something. What I'm tr
Hey, all. Trying to have geographically-dispersed legs to a ~60 node
liberty development cloud. Based on the traffic I see back and forth on
our icehouse cloud, it makes me think that having a cell hierarchy for
the new cloud might cut down on the back-and-forth chatter -- which
would be good
Hi, all. In our Icehouse cloud, I had no problems with non-admin users
creating images. In the Liberty cloud we recently stood up, however,
that doesn't appear to be enabled. From reading, I see that it appears
to be a setting that needs to be altered in /etc/glance/glance-api.conf,
but it's
So, I've got an Icehouse cloud that had been working fine; then we had
to bring everything down for an extended power outage, and stuff still
isn't quite right. The nutshell problem is that only one of my two
neutron gateways seems to be able to route to the metadata server. The
"working" neu
Hey, all. We're having some significant network issues in our Icehouse
cloud, and I was wondering if there's a way to migrate quiescent VM
images right off the compute node, and, if there is, if there'd be a
problem migrating them to (say) Liberty.
Thanks kindly,
So I'm trying to write up a user/tenant creation script, and then when
it's done, I want to fire off an e-mail with relevant info to the new
user. One thing I'd like to send along is the URL for horizon for
whichever cloud I've just created them accounts on... but I don't see
how to get that f
I'd heard from some users they were having trouble allocating floating
IPs in our Liberty cloud, so I tried on my test account. I had two
floating IPs (with a quota of (at least) three); I released and
immediately tried to re-acquire, and it failed with:
[Fri Apr 22 02:59:36.839441 2016] [:er
Needless to say, 13.7 ms after I sent this e-mail, I found this bug
Humble apologies...
On 2016-04-21 23:11, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
I'd heard from some users they were having trouble allocating floating
IPs in our Liberty c
We had some issues yesterday on our Liberty cloud that smelled networky,
so I went to check the neutron logfiles on cloud-controller... and there
were a bunch of issues.
1) neutron-server hadn't been *running* since February.
2) It doesn't start on reboot.
3) When I try to start it manually, I g
From the CLI, there must be a way to add a user to a tenant (or
vice-versa), but I simply can't seem to figure out the syntax. This
isn't for newly created users; this is for changes after-the-fact.
Thanks much!
Mailing list
Hey, all. I am trying to figure out how to see which users are
associated with which projects, and, for the life of me, I can't seem to
figure out the magic juju from the CLI. Any suggestions? I thought
things like "openstack user show" or "openstack project show" would do
the job, but only
My rule-of-thumb for stuff that falls into the "really slow but works"
camp is, check DNS. If possible, disable reverse lookups, or else ensure
that the hosts involved all know how to reverse-resolve each other's IP
That's where I'd start, anyway. Good luck!
On 2016-06-28 2
Hey, all. We're trying to track down some UDP fragmentation issues, and
I'm trying to fully grasp exactly what goes on. The tool I'm using is
"iperf." My first confusion is that when I point iperf (client) to a
host behind a floating IP, that simply doesn't work. Any ideas what the
issue is
Trying to orchestrate a bunch of VMs on our ~500 core cloud, and we're
getting the "not enough hosts" problem. Only issue is that the
dashboard seems to imply we've got the elbow room needed to instantiate.
Furthermore, it would be *really handy* if I knew what the bottleneck
it thought was:
Hi, all. Trying to figure out how to disable a compute node from
getting new VMs scheduled for it on my Liberty cloud. I did see the
"nova host-update --maintenance" command, but (as noted elsewhere) it
seems not to work for KVM-based VMs. Is there a way to accomplish what
I'm looking to do?
Hey, all. I've got a setup akin to this:
[Ext. host] <--> [Floating IP] <--> [qrouter] <--> VM
Note that all of this worked prior to a hurricane-induced system outage.
If I boot the VM, I can ping it from outside... briefly. Once the
qrouter's ARP table cache entry expires, however, it does
Hey, all. I have a Liberty cloud, and decided for the heck of it to
start dipping my toe into IPv6. I do have some confusion, however. I
can choose between SLAAC, DHCPv6 stateful and DHCPv6 stateless -- and I
see some writeups on what they do, but I don't understand what
differentiates them.
Hey, all. For various reasons, it would behoove us to be able to tell
what kind of physical CPU our VMs are running on. Is there a way? I
assume the answer is pretty much "No," but if there was a way, it would
be helpful.
Hey, all. For various reasons, it would behoove us to be able to tell
what kind of physical CPU our VMs are running on. Is there a way? I
assume the answer is pretty much "No," but if there was a way, it would
be helpful.
Hello, all. I've got a geographically distributed Liberty install, and
I'm trying to set up a local glance repo for the remote site, without
going through everything involved in retroactively adding cells. It
looks like regions might do what I want -- but there's DAMN little
documentation I c
Same user, same cloud, issuing the commands seconds apart. Any idea as
to why there's a disparity?
gbadmin@openstack-cli:~ liberty(prod)$ openstack image list | wc -l
gbadmin@openstack-cli:~ liberty(prod)$ glance image-list | wc -l
Hey, all. Launching my first Newton cloud, and we've decided to go with
DVR. I can't seem to find a "what changes there are, what's involved,
and how to configure it" sort of informative-like page. Hopefully, this
just means I'm googling poorly. Can someone point me in the right
I've just set up a Newton cloud (Ubuntu), and when I try to launch an
instance in Horizon, I'm greeted with this:
Security group 64f28706-29df-44fa-9dbe-4f856d517a1c not found for
project 1b9a6a9b5fc947a9892354fe8277690e. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID:
* T
Hi! I'm looking for a way to see which users are associated with which
projects. The dashboard does it pretty nicely, but I'd prefer from the
CLI. Unfortunately, while "openstack role assignment list" seems to be
what I'd want, it requires *both* a project and a user, which means that
in ord
Hi, all. We've got two Canonical Newton installs using VLANs and we're
having intermittent issues we simply can't figure out. (Note that a
third installation using flat networks is not having this issue.)
Floating IPs set up and work... sporadically.
* Stateful connections (e.g., SSH) often
Hey, all. We want to proof something out with SSL-enabled endpoints,
and don't want to go through the grief of setting up a whole multi-host
cloud to do it. Devstack with
in its local.conf seemed to be just the ticket... except that when it
gets done, "openstack show endpoints" o
Hey, all. About a day ago, Neutron/MySQL started throwing errors on my
Ubuntu/Newton cloud:
2017-09-12 15:39:35.591 95710 ERROR neutron.callbacks.manager
DBReferenceError: (pymysql.err.IntegrityError) (1452, u'Cannot add or
update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
Hey, all. Trying to set up Dibbler/IPv6 prefix delegation on a Newton
Ubuntu cloud. And I admit that I'm being somewhat confused, despite One
Bajillion Pages that seem to touch on this stuff, but not really map out
what needs to happen. (Most of the step-throughs seem to assume
single-box in
Hey, all. I've got a new job, and I tried my first Openstack command on
it -- a Juno cloud -- with Openstack CLI 3.14.0, and it failed.
kdambrosio@mintyfresh:~/oscreds newton(QA/PCI)$ openstack image list
Resource doesn't have field name
glance image-list does fine.
Is this a
r verbose), directly check logs on openstackclient run.
> On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 10:11 PM, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
> Hey, all. I've got a new job, and I tried my first Openstack command on it
> -- a Juno cloud -- with Openstack CLI 3.14.0, and it failed. Specifically:
Hey, all. We've got a Juno cloud, and it would be really handy for some
of our engineers if they could see which VMs wound up on which
hypervisors. I'm unsure how to make that happen; I'm afraid the
documentation on the options of the policy.json file is a bit opaque.
How would I go about ma
Hi, all. We're running an old version of Openstack -- Juno -- and I'd
like to test some things out before trying to implement them, probably
in Devstack. And I could *swear* there was a way to deploy end-of-lifed
versions of Devstack, but darned if I can find it.
Thanks kindly,
Hey, all. We've got a Juno cloud, and we'd like various end-users to be
able to see which hypervisors their VMs spring up on.
/etc/nova/policy.json seems to have some relevant info, but it's hard to
tell what does what. "compute_extension:hypervisors" looks like a
possible candidate, but th
hypervisor hostname
nomenclature, it's sufficient, without having to go mucking about with
changing poorly-documented Nova policy.json stuff in a four-year-old
release of OpenStack.
I'll take it. Thanks!
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 1:49 PM Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
On 2018-11-19 11:25, Yedhu Sastri wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have some use-cases which I want to test in PowerPC architecture(ppc64). As
> I dont have any Power machines I would like to try it with ppc64 VM's. Is it
> possible to run these kind of VM's on my OpenStack cluster(Queens) which runs
Hey, all. I've had a request for a non-admin user to see all the VMs
currently running, irrespective of project. I've gone through the
policy.json file (this is Juno) and enabled everything I could think of
that seemed appropriate, to no avail. Is there any way to do this
without granting hi
#x27;s awesome!
Doesn't exactly help me now, but will certainly come in handy in the
> Good luck (with your upgrades ;))
> Mohammed
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 9:39 AM Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
>> Hey, all. I've had a request
52 matches
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