I'm managing an OpenStack cloud (Havanna... yeah, too old...) with
nova-network and ONLY one interface per node (and one interface in
controller and network, that are the same server). All traffic flows
in eth0 (and, of course, br100).
When I launch an instance
I'm trying to configure a "Kilo" server reading, step-by-step, the PDF
manual. However, after installing and configuring dashboard, I can't
connect with browser. Error log says: "TRACE keystone.common.wsgi
AttributeError: 'Token' object has no attribute 'list_events'". My
system is run
I'm trying to configure a "Kilo" server (CentOS 7.x) reading,
step-by-step, the PDF manual. However, after installing and
configuring dashboard, I can't connect with browser. Log files say:
2015-07-02 07:
;, ]
restart httpd once you make changes in above file.
On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 5:16 PM, Daniel
Ruiz Molina <daniel.r...@caos.uab.es>
I'm getting an important problem after deleting an instance. I'm running
Openstack Juno in a server that acts as controller and network node
(with 3 nics). Computes have 2 nics. Because of computes are in an
student laboratory, each compute has a local iptables with its rules.
Then, wh
I'm reading http://docs.openstack.org/mitaka/install-guide-rdo/ and I
would like to install a small test cloud (one controller that would act
as network too, and two computes). I'm executing all commands that are
in that manual, but when I get "Networking" chapter, I don't know how
I'm getting some problems after installing a small test cloud (one
controller that acts as network too and two computes).
I'm executing all commands that are in
http://docs.openstack.org/liberty/install-guide-rdo, but when I run an
instance, it doesn't receive DHCP IP offer (however,
After deploying an instance with private and public network, eth0
receives DHCP offer with private IP but eth1 doesn't receive DHCP offer
with public IP. However, if I run an VNC console to the instance and,
then, execute "sudo /sbin/cirros-dhcpd eth1 up", eth1 receives public IP