ld be only one of many incorrect statements
>in that guide since I've dealt with it, so maybe this is just outdated
>information (although the page has been modified on July 25th). Which
>OpenStack version are you deploying?
>[2] https://d
Further report!
We finally figure it out.
It because of the original memcache_server configuration which lead to load key
from the poweroff controller
configuration example:
backend = oslo_cache.memcache_pool
enabled = True
memcache_servers = controller1:11211,controller2:11211,controller
Sorry for the delay, different timezone huh!
Thanks a lot!
We'll try the solution!
At 2018-07-24 02:35:09, "Ivan Kolodyazhny" wrote:
It could be a common issue between horizon and keystone.
As a temporary workaround for this, you can apply this [1] patch to redirect
admin user to t
After kill one node of a cluster which consist of three nodes,
I found that Horizon based on keystone with provider set to fernet respondes
very slowly.
Admin login will cost at least 20 senconds.
And cli verbose command return show making authentication is stuck about 5
Any help wi