I found that it's openstack-neutron-nicira to be installed.
2014-01-27 Romain Ziba
> Hello,
> thanks for your replies. Do you know which repo I should use to get...
> quantum-plugin-nicira? neutron-plugin-nicira? neutron-plugin-vmware? I am
> working on centO
rebranding here:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/nicira-plugin-renaming
> At this point everything installs as usual.
> Hope this help!
> Armando
> On 24 January 2014 06:26, Romain Ziba wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've just found that Nicira NVP doesn'
I've just found that Nicira NVP doesn't exist anymore: No more packages
neutron-plugin-nicira. It seems that VMware now works on VMware NSX and
this is not available by downloading... Am I right?
If yes, what are my options?
Thanks beforehand.
2014/1/24 Romain Ziba
t; Hi,
> At the moment the only supported Neutron plugin with the VMware drivers is
> the NVP plugin. The NVP works with hybrid setups.
> Thanks
> Gary
> From: Romain Ziba
> Date: Friday, January 24, 2014 11:24 AM
> To: "openstack@lists.openstack.org"
Hello, I've configured a multi-node infrastructure with a controller and
two compute nodes. One of the compute node is a basic QEMU and the other
one is a VMware compute node using the VMwareESXDriver. On the controller,
I have configured Neutron using OpenVSwitch.
Everything works fine with a VM
After reading documentations and code, I would like to know if my
understanding is correct.
In Ceilometer:
1. The compute agent is a polling agent.
2. The Central Agent is a polling agent.
3. The notification agent (coded in
ceilometer/ceilometer/notification.py) listens on th