If I run, say, 8 Neutron worker threads (via configuration in Neutron) in
Havana/Icehouse, then I will end up with 8 different consumers on the exchange
'neutron' and the queue routing key "q-plugin".
Now my question is that when the L2-Agent on the compute node sends a periodic
I am seeing in Havana that the the Nova Compute service running on a compute
node makes 3 RabbitMQ connections to the Rabbit MQ server (3 TCP connections) -
could someone tell me why 3 connections are made and not just one.
"DISCLAIMER: This message is proprietary to Ar
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:25 AM
To: Prashant Upadhyaya
Cc: openstack@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack] Question regarding Nova in Havana
Hi Prashant,
when the service starts, it checks if it has already registered in the
database, if not, it will update the
I am writing a Compute Node Simulator.
The idea is that I would write a piece of software using C which honors the
RabbitMQ interface towards the Controller, but will not actually do the real
thing - everything on the Compute Node will be simulated by my simulator
The problem I
ack with SRIOV, that
itself will be a major step forward.
-Original Message-
From: Chris Friesen [mailto:chris.frie...@windriver.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 8:21 PM
To: Prashant Upadhyaya
Cc: OpenStack Development Mailing List; Jiang, Yunhong;
Hi Chris,
I note two of your comments --
> > When we worked on H release, we target for basic PCI support like
> > accelerator card or encryption card etc.
PU> So I note that you are already solving the PCI pass through usecase somehow
? How ? If you have solved this already in terms of archite