[Openstack] [openstack][neutron]Iptables snat not work when securitygroup is on

2018-11-24 Thread
Hi, I am building an openstack all-in-one environment in a CentOS7.4 machine. For some reason I have only one network interface(eth0) and one ip address, so I created a linux bridge(br0), and forwarded datas to eth0 using iptables command: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s {bridge virtual ip}

[Openstack] [openstack][nova]Can I specify a unique certificate for every instance(spice connection)?

2018-09-06 Thread
Hi, Opesntack can configure a global tls certificate for all instances with spice connection via /etc/libvert/qemu.conf, but can I configure a certificate for every instance seperately? BR Don ___ Mailing list: http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bi