Hi Diego,
I observed the same behavior as you.
I am using the latest packages from http://ops.rcb.me/packages.
Everything works fine except the connection to vnc console from the latest
firefox (11.0) on linux. I tried also with firefox 11.0 from win7 and the error
is the same.
What workaround
I found a way to change the dimenssion of the window image for the vnc console.
The file to be changed is:
The parameters are: width="1280" height="900"
I have a server on which I run all the the services of openstack.
The characteristics of the server are:
-cpu:12 cores
-ram:24 GB
-hdd: 500GB
-ubuntu12.04 64bits
-openstack essex installed from default repository
I observed the following behavior:
If while I am registering an image, I am work
Thanks a lot Joe!
Since yesterday I had this issue with nova-compute and after I synchronized the
clock on the servers and restart nova-compute on the server with the issue it
works great.
Thanks a lot!
From: Joseph Heck
To: "Gurjar, Unmesh"
Cc: "
Hi all,
I observed an error in documentation regarding the configuration needed to be
done on additional compute-nodes in order to allow vnc access to instances.
>From what I understood from doc you just have to copy nova.conf on additional
However there are some changes to made in the n
On the server when I installed from packages it is in this location:
From: Razique Mahroua
To: williamherrych...@gmail.com
Cc: openstack@lists.launchpad.net
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 20
It happend to me in case of a server. Investigating I found out that
libvirt-bin isn't starting fast enough for nova-compute. So I added this line
in /etc/init/nova-compute.conf "start libvirt-bin" to look as:
pre-start script
mkdir -p /var/run/nova
chown nova:root /var/run/n
I did that. Create snapshot from the running machine, identify the file
corresponding to the snapshot. In my case was a qcow2 file and then add to
essex with glance add
From: Leander Bessa Beernaert
To: openstack@lists.launchpa
I have a cloud constructed on ubuntu12.04 with openstack essex.
-controller node:
The configuration regarding vnc:
openstack in Paris on 29 November. Are you interested?...:)
From: Olivier Archer
To: Staicu Gabriel
Cc: 张家龙 ; openstack
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Openstack] Questions about novnc with multihost OpenStack
Also to get starting you can use openstack-demo-install which comes in the
packet openstack-utils.
From: Lei Zhang
To: Tim Bell
Cc: "openstack@lists.launchpad.net"
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 4:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Openstack] How
The simplest way to check is to have a look at /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log
From: Guilherme Russi
To: openstack@lists.launchpad.net
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 6:15 PM
Subject: [Openstack] Problem hen running VM instances
Hi aga
These are great news Gary.
Do you happen to know if the patch will be also available for folsom?
From: Gary Kotton
To: jian@canonical.com
Cc: openstack@lists.launchpad.net
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Openstack
1) connect to mysql database:
mysql -uroot -p
2) use nova database once in mysql prompt
mysql> use nova;
3) find the error values
mysql> select * from instance_faults;
From: Malek Mushleh
To: openstack@lists.launchpad.net
Sent: Thurs
As a rule of thumb how I worked around this issue was to add a new hdd. I
allocated this new hdd only to /var/lib/nova/instances/_base and the other hdd
to /var/lib/nova/instances/ so in this manner to the first time a instance is
spawn on server the process use the full capacity of a hdd.
A place to look for eventually error messages is also /var/log/messages. Look
for dnsmasq related message and post them here.
From: Arindam Choudhury
To: openstack
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 11:10 AM
Subject: [Openstack] nova-networ
What I would do now it to make a tcpdum on interface br100 to look for the
bootpc packets that the port receives and sends.
Also here from your paste of "ifconfig -a" I don't see the bridge interface...
From: Arindam Choudh
From the openstack documentation:
A: These values are hard-coded in a Django HTML template. To alter them, you
must edit the template file _detail_vnc.html. The location of this file will
vary based
Hi Remo,
If your talking about this document:
I think that in that case you don't have something from the logical point of
view something like a router. You just have L2 segments so there is no place
.. :),
From: Remo Mattei
To: Staicu Gabriel
Cc: "openstack@lists.launchpad.net"
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Openstack] Quantum question
One more thing to this slide there is a physical router that can be configured
by the admin etc and I can d
Yes it's ok.
Or you can use another computer with virt-manager installed which supports
running windows virtual machines on it. In other words another computer with
cpu with virtualization feature + kvm + virt-manager.
If you use the option with another computer you will have to copy the resulted
Please can you look up in the iptables?
Normally on a working openstack host the packets comming in the filter table in
the input chain are directed to the nova-network-INPUT which has a rule to
accept dhcp packets.
On my setup is something like:
-A INPUT -j nova-network-INPUT
-A nova
accepts dhcp packets is created once an instance is
I will try the same thing on an centos64.
From: David Kang
To: Staicu Gabriel
Cc: "openstack@lists.launchpad.net (openstack@lists.launchpad.net)"
Sent: Tuesday, July
23 matches
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