Re: [Openstack] Fwd: Nodejs in horizon

2012-05-29 Thread Matthias Runge
ry, if I jump in late in this thread, I may have skipped some basics. If I get it right, nodejs is just required to compile LESS to css, right? There is at least one alternative without requiring nodejs: -- Matthias Runge __

[Openstack] Packaging Horizon

2012-09-14 Thread Matthias Runge
Hi, currently, I'm trying to package horizon RC1 for Fedora. Since, Fedora does not have node.js included, and also doesn't have LESS included, it won't work per default. Do you have suggestions for me? Thanks --

Re: [Openstack] Packaging Horizon

2012-09-14 Thread Matthias Runge
that requires patching of several template files. How to proceed with js-files? > > Regards, > Ivan Kolodyazhny, > Web Developer, >, >, > > > -- Matthias Runge ___

Re: [Openstack] Packaging Horizon

2012-09-17 Thread Matthias Runge
compression enabled but key "6c3f4b40154653aaf8dd6e0393186d0a" is missing from offline manifest. You may need to run "python compress". How Do I debug this further? -- Matthias Runge ___ Mailing list: h

Re: [Openstack] Packaging Horizon

2012-09-17 Thread Matthias Runge
this hasn't be done during delivering files through your web server. But of course, I'm totally neglecting that less.js and node.js may not be available in your distro, like they are unavailable from official fedora repositories --

[Openstack] Error in Horizon or misconfiguration?

2012-09-18 Thread Matthias Runge
ep 18 12:16:37 2012] [error] EndpointNotFound: Endpoint not found. By chance, has anybody a clue, what went wrong or how to debug this further? There's no error in keystones logs. Keystone answers and does not report an error. Thanks, Matthias -- Matthias Runge _

Re: [Openstack] Packaging Horizon

2012-09-18 Thread Matthias Runge
s. But as Gabriel wrote, including compressed css or .js (and the manifest.json) should do the job. -- Matthias Runge ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : https://lau

Re: [Openstack] Error in Horizon or misconfiguration?

2012-09-19 Thread Matthias Runge
nova-api is running and keystone lists also configured endpoints. In fact, I didn't experience other issues during my tests using OpenStacks command line tools. Matthias On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 9:21 AM, Matthias Runge wrote: Hi, currently, I'm testing horizon-rc1. I'm log

Re: [Openstack] Error in Horizon or misconfiguration?

2012-09-20 Thread Matthias Runge
e "adminURL" for all the services. Hi, thank you. it's good to know, it isn't just me. I guess, fixing that would be a good starter for beginning development here, right? -- Matthias Runge ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] Folsom Horizon: 500 Internal Server Error

2012-10-08 Thread Matthias Runge
On 10/07/2012 06:33 AM, Chandra Kamalakantha wrote: Hi, Has anyone able to get past the "500 Internal Server Error " with Horizon (Folsom). I have applied work around described in but still getting the error [Sun Oct 07 04:16:56 2012] [error] [cli

Re: [Openstack] [devstack] How to purge, remove and wipe out devstack?

2012-11-20 Thread Matthias Runge
> > Hello, > if I would like to wipe, remove and purge everything devstack > installed and configured what should I do? > > rm -rf /opt/stack > rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ > > what else? > > thanks in advance! > :) > > -- * > guilherme* \n > \t *maluf* >

Re: [Openstack] Horizon - OfflineGenerationError

2012-12-13 Thread Matthias Runge
On 12/13/2012 12:24 PM, JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso wrote: > Hi all: > > I'm installing OpenStack Dashboard 2012.2 on CentOS 6.3 and I got next > error related to css/js compression: > Yes, I bet, it's not related with Dashboard, although the error message tells you so. Which version are you inst

Re: [Openstack] Horizon - OfflineGenerationError

2012-12-14 Thread Matthias Runge
roblem on an > input file or output directory. > > > > - Gabriel > > > > *From:* > [] > *On Behalf Of *JuanFra Rodriguez Card

Re: [Openstack] Horizon - OfflineGenerationError

2012-12-14 Thread Matthias Runge
On 12/14/2012 12:40 PM, JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso wrote: > @Matthias: This is the current error traceback (after your suggestions) > [Fri Dec 14 12:35:15 2012] [error] raise > exceptions.from_response(resp, body) > [Fri Dec 14 12:35:15 2012] [error] BadRequest: Unable to communicate > with ide

Re: [Openstack] Horizon - OfflineGenerationError

2012-12-14 Thread Matthias Runge
On 12/14/2012 12:45 PM, JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso wrote: > @Andrew: Yes, I knew theses great guides. I had Essex 2012.1.3 (EPEL > 6.7) working ok on Centos 6.3, but with 2012.2 (EPEL 6.7) I'm getting > errors with Django/Horizon. > > What release are your running? Essex or Folsom? > Do you know if

Re: [Openstack] Horizon - OfflineGenerationError

2012-12-17 Thread Matthias Runge
On 12/18/2012 01:32 AM, andi abes wrote: > I've hit a similar issue when I updated from essex to folsom. > That advice to check the migration guide is wise ;). > > Specifically for me, the file in folsom is > considerably different that it was in Essex. I'm not sure how rpm > beh

Re: [Openstack] Horizon - OfflineGenerationError

2012-12-18 Thread Matthias Runge
On 12/18/2012 09:35 AM, JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso wrote: > Hi guys! > I'm not migrating from Essex to Folsom. I've just done a clear > installation of Folsom 2012.2 from EPEL 6.7. > Then, it could be a problem related to migration. > I requested catalog from keystone-cli and it worked. Hence, excep

Re: [Openstack] Horizon - OfflineGenerationError

2012-12-18 Thread Matthias Runge
On 12/18/2012 10:11 AM, JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso wrote: > Ok, Matthias. Sorry for confusion, I decided to re-install Folsom 2012.2 > in a parallel testbed. In this way, I avoided any incompatibility with > migration from Essex. > I continue researching and I will report us, ok? > > Thanks! ;) Gr

Re: [Openstack] Installing Dashboard standalone

2012-12-20 Thread Matthias Runge
On 12/20/2012 02:49 AM, Guillermo Alvarado wrote: > BTW I am trying to use a my own version of the openstack-dashboard/ > horizon because I made some modifications to the GUI. My version is > based in Essex release. Please anybody can help me with this? > > > 2012/12/19 Guillermo Alvarado

Re: [Openstack] Error in Horizon or misconfiguration?

2013-01-10 Thread Matthias Runge
On 01/10/2013 01:33 PM, JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso wrote: > Hi guys! > > Do you know if this Horizon's bug have been solved? In my fresh > installation (2012.2.1 from EPEL), it keeps crashing. > However, remaining operations in dashboard work fine! > Its' a known error in keystone, which has been

Re: [Openstack] keystone/horizon/dashboard

2013-02-28 Thread Matthias Runge
On 02/28/2013 01:31 PM, Mballo Cherif wrote: > Hello everybody ! > > > > I need help, > > when i try to authenticate with the dashboard I have this “An error > occurred authenticating. Please try again later.” What is wrong with > keystone or horizon? > > How can I fix this issue? > Verify,

Re: [Openstack] Dashboard login page doesn't show up

2013-03-12 Thread Matthias Runge
On 03/12/2013 11:20 AM, Ashutosh Narayan wrote: > Hi folks, > > I am trying to install dashboard as per instructions mentionedhere > . > First of all |/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.

Re: [Openstack] Dashboard login page doesn't show up

2013-03-12 Thread Matthias Runge
c76bf308f2cd | RegionOne | >| >| > | 96299197a84a43d7a3932c5c6ae53ca0 | > +--+---+--+--+-+--+ > >

Re: [Openstack] Dashboard login page doesn't show up

2013-03-12 Thread Matthias Runge
; +------+---+--+--+-+--+ > > > > Thank you, > > &g

Re: [Openstack] Documentations for installing Grizzly release on CentOS/RedHat

2013-04-22 Thread Matthias Runge
On 04/22/2013 10:49 AM, Ashutosh Narayan wrote: > Hi Folks, > > I want to install Grizzly release of OpenStack on CentOS 6.3 > I am unable to source out any documentations pertaining to it. > The OpenStack documentation home page has the one for Folsom release. > Can someone point me to a step by

Re: [Openstack] horizon login error

2013-06-17 Thread Matthias Runge
On 18/06/13 08:10, Nguyễn Quốc Vũ wrote: > > [Tue Jun 18 05:55:02 2013] [error] endpoint_type='adminURL') > > [Tue Jun 18 05:55:02 2013] [error] File > "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystoneclient/", > line 62, in url_for > > [

Re: [Openstack] custom url for openstack dashboard

2013-06-24 Thread Matthias Runge
On 24/06/13 08:07, Anshul Gangwar wrote: > Hi JuanFra, > > This is not solving my problem. I want a solution where urls are > relative to certain fixed string say os. > > Currently I can either make them relative by making changes in > or absolute. > > for example when I see page so

Re: [Openstack] Alternative dashboards for openstack?

2013-07-23 Thread Matthias Runge
On 23/07/13 03:24, Jake G. wrote: > Hi All, > > Any chance there are other dashboards out there for Openstack besides > Horizon? I bet there are, since horizon is just a framework to implement a dashboard, you're free to implement your own. Matthias ___

Re: [Openstack] Alternative dashboards for openstack?

2013-07-23 Thread Matthias Runge
On 23/07/13 09:57, Jake G. wrote: > Wish I was a programmer. Would be nice to be able to control and > configure all of openstacks functions from the dashboard. > Since the dashboard itself relies on Nova, Glance, and Keystone [1], that won't be possible. Esp. endpoints to underlying services are