Re: [Openstack] Messaging level auth

2011-10-02 Thread Raphael Cohn
Would there be any advantage in moving the quota checks inside the MQ? eg for nodes, links, RAM usage, disk usage, etc. Would there also be an advantage in using the SASL 'authzid' and 'authcid', ie user authenticated as x, but authorized to act as role y? Raphael Co

Re: [Openstack] Queue Service, next steps

2011-02-28 Thread Raphael Cohn
ess with StormMQ. Intriguingly, in low usage situations, it actually makes message receipt non-deterministic and potentially unordered; getting this 'right' depends if you in err in favour of at-most-once messaging or at-least-once messsaging. Raph Raphael Cohn Managing Director ra

Re: [Openstack] Queue Service, next steps

2011-02-27 Thread Raphael Cohn
orking out the kinks in edge cases and making sure they'd work with the legacy - JMS, TIBCO and the like. Message Queuing is easy to get into. Like chess, though, it can take a lifetime to master. We're by no means experts, but we're happy to help, Raph Raphael Cohn Managing Di